Sunday, March 18, 2012


I don't sew, but if there's one thing I've learned from living with a quilter, it's that you never through away a usable scrap of fabric. For a while, Mom had various boxes and bags of scraps, until one day when her brilliant daughter (*ahem*) had the brilliant idea to use that old laundry hamper that was about to go to the local charity shop...for the scraps.

Now, when Mom needs a scrap, she can dig through her laundry hamper. Which is exactly what I found her doing a few evenings ago...happily sitting on the floor sorting colors from her scrap hamper.

Sorting by color.


Millie came exploring.

This is what Mom is working on--she made this awesome block, but it's
1/4 of an inch too small! Ack!

Mine! Cats have no boundaries.

1 comment:

Diane Fit to the Finish said...

I have a large scrap fabric collection. It comes in so handy! My dog will lay on it when I am working on something but my cat is pretty unsociable!