Thursday, January 26, 2012

I [Heart] the Internet

Last night, I was participating in a Twitter chat for fitness buffs, and made a point of posting the link to this post, to share my story.

A little while later, Jennifer Ehle, the lovely English actress who played Lizzie Bennett to Colin Firth's Mr Darcy, responded to me. She follows me on Twitter, you see, ever since she asked people to share old games/toys from the 70s and 80s that we all used to play with. She followed everyone who responded to her that evening, saying she'd love to have a big play date with all of us. : )

Anyway, she complimented me on the success I've had losing weight, and I replied that I'd been in a Twitter chat, hence all the talking about weight loss and running. She came back with, "I read your blog!"

Jennifer Ehle read my blog.

I LOVE the Internet!

Fangirling over here.


Diane Fit to the Finish said...

Oh yeah - that's amazing!!! Glad you were on the chat and that she popped in to read your blog!!!

Jennie said...

I love it when that happens! ok it's never happened to me... but it's still awesome!