Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Wild and Absolutely True Adventures of a Gymbo

Maybe I should rename my blog...as all I seem to blog about anymore is training, running, and more training. Or, I could, instead, write a post about what else is going on in my life when I'm not training, running, or attending yoga classes (or, you know, passed out in exhaustion from any and all of the above).

Singing Fool

Yep, still singing with SCSO. We have our "Home For the Holidays" concerts coming in just under two weeks (you should go!). Which reminds me that I ought to spend a few minutes this evening memorizing the words to our processional song--it's in Latin, which is hard to memorize for some reason.

I've settled in quite well and started getting to know some more people--everyone is quite friendly, but it's hard to know everyone in such a large group.

This weekend, I'm driving to Lodi (just north of Stockton) to hear my friends in Stockton Chorale sing their holiday concert.


I've been quite busy when I'm at home--I've been listing some of Mom's back issues of magazines on eBay (if you or someone you know love craft/hobby/home decor magazines, please, please, please refer to my eBay shop!) and that is a time-consuming process. I'm listing them individually, which means photographing each magazine, then creating a new listing with the right month and year, issue number, etc. 

When I'm not doing that, I'm job hunting, helping out around the house and making smoothies. Because I'm drinking a lot of smoothies these days (but no more about fitness/weight loss/trainer's orders in this post!).

Then That Whole "Christmas" Deal

I can't believe it's almost December. Where September, October and November went, I've no idea. But here we are, and I've bought my Christmas cards and they'll be done and in the mail by the end of the week. I don't have a lot to buy, gift-wise, so there won't be a lot of rushing about the mall for me (which is good, as I've been really snotty and snarky when shopping recently. I have embarrassed poor Mom a few times).

We've put up our trees--yes, trees, as in two. Mom put hers up in the living room and it's all Better Homes and Gardens-worthy. She graciously allowed me to put a 3' tree on the kitchen table we never eat at (what?) and mine is covered in Snoopy and ornaments I've picked up in my travels. Mine is utterly ridiculous, not at all elegant, and I love it. I love Mom's tree, too, of course...and I will post pictures soon.

And That's About It

Honestly, my brain is taken up by training so much these days. There's a lot of "M. says..." and "I'll have to ask M. what he thinks about..." coming out of my mouth, and I'm sure Mom and Dad feel that they, too, are training with him by extension. It was like this with G., and so it goes with M.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some stretching to do before I go to bed.

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