Friday, September 02, 2011

Settling Into the Batcave

Mom walked in yesterday after I had finally organized everything to my liking and said, "It's cozy!" Then we both started laughing hysterically. Yes, my bedroom is cozy. I've taken to calling it my dorm room, or my Batcave (since I spend a lot of time in here now that I've got my computer set up).

Either way, it works for me. I'm not paying rent, so I really have nothing to complain about.

I have my piano, with the two books I'm working out of the most these days
(Keane's "Perfect Symmetry" and a book of classics. I'm re-learning Fur Elise.

The bed is a Murphy Bed--it folds up if I want space.

I took this a couple of days ago--my deks is much more organized now.

Yep! It's cozy!

The cats have taken to hanging out under the bed, where it's cooler.

The Big Ben teapot, the tea cup, mirror and candle are all things I brought
with me, rather than storing. The mirror and candle were b-day gifts from
Summer four years ago. : )

All of my DVDs, stuffed animals (yes, yes, I'm in my 30s),
and some books I couldn't pack away. Soon I'll be
embarking on my annual Harry Potter re-read.

Taken today--see? Organized. Cali Swimmy is in his customary place.
There were a few things I brought home to make the room
Accordion ornament, Frog Prince (from Washington), bluebird of happiness
(from Mom), a Swimmy book, and Richard's autograph. : )

A cute M hook I commissioned, my newest ducky friend,
Liberty "Libby" Swimmy, and Quackers the Beanie Baby.

One of my favorite Snoopy items, my Kindness Matters sign, a NYC license
plate from Maayan, a Delft (Holland) magnet from Amanda, and a London bus
magnet from Sarah.

Flasher Swimmy (he lights up--a gift from Maayan), some clogs I got at Pea
Soup, and a toy camel (that's a long story I am not getting into here!).

The angel is made from a vintage handkerchief (gift from
Mom), the larger glass duck was a gift from Summer years
before the Swimmy thing took off, and the little duck goes
back to the days I used to collect minature glass animals.

The rooster is from Portugal (Mom and Dad), the compass
is an old family relic of some kind, the vase is Baleek (Ireland)
and the knight is from Warwick Castle in England.

The tape measure belonged to my Grandpa Bean and the
Snoopy was a gift from Lindsay. : )
The red curio shelf holds pieces from friends and family that are dear to me, and I also have some other things I brought home that I just couldn't pack away in the storage unit. 

On top of one of my cabinets--the vase of flowers is from my apartment--the
pitcher is Mom's and has been in this room for ages. The Flying Ace bank, the
snow globe and the rainbow bank are three favorite pieces from my collection.

I left one shelf for my jewelry. I have two main boxes (on the periphery of the
picture and the little glass box was a gift from Dad when I was in high school.
The vase is Merano from my 2003 Italy trip, and the perfume bottle is from
my 2005 Paris trip. The blue dish is from an antique store. The doilies were
made by Grandma Bean, and the pearls were hers, too.

This cabinet holds my card-making stuff, jewelry and
other random things.
So it's coming together. The closet is absolutely packed with stuff--clothes, shoes, a set of drawers for underwear and pajamas...I have an under-the-bed storage box for bags and purses. I've gotten good at creative storage over the years. Maybe I should start a business.

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