Saturday, September 03, 2011

At the Farm

This morning, I went over to A Chance For Bliss for the first time in ages to groom some horses. I arrived at 10:00 and spent a couple of hours grooming and talking to the horses. A few of them genuinely seemed to crave the attention and followed me around, snuffling at my arms and resting their heads as close to me as they could get.

I also gave some love to the goats, and talked with the geese, and I even had a brief but meaningful conversation with Tom the Turkey.

I always enjoy hanging out at ACFB, and now that I'm living in Lincoln, I hope to spend more time there.

I started out with the Soup Crew this morning:

Everyone has fly masks on in this hot weather.
This is NOT what a horse leg is supposed to look like.
A Chance For Bliss takes on the injured, the mistreated,
and the unwanted.

I love that the goose and the pig are just nonchalantly hanging out in an old
truck cover.


Severe swayback. This particular horse loves attention, however, and
followed me around like a puppy.


Tom the Turkey

They were napping, and then I stepped a little too close and woke them all.

They decided they may as well go for a swim now that some dumb lady
had disturbed them.

Freckles is very sweet and gentle.


These horses have everything they could possibly need.

I headed to the back pasture to visit the younger crowd with some carrots.

Atlas is a miniature horse with attitude. He's a sweetie, though.

Munching on some carrot.

The feisty younger group was off in the back corner, so I had to hike
out to them.

 I gave out some carrots, and everyone got excited. This group can be a little overbearing and pushy...and they get a little spirited with each other. I definitely respect the size and power of horses, so I did a lot of walking away and even a couple of gentle shoves on shoulders accompanied by a loud, "Knock it off!" The horses are not at all aggressive or mean, but they do sometimes need a reminder that I don't exactly want to get knocked over or a hoof to my body.

This is Ferdi--a six-foot-tall bull. He's a gentle giant...but his horns make me

Kramer, another miniature horse, and one of the newer residents. His owner
had to go into assisted living and Kramer is heartbroken at losing her. He
prefers his own company and doesn't get on with the other horses.

As I left, I spotted Kramer having a roll in the dirt. : ) As always, I left happy.
This place has magic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the last photo the most!