Friday, July 15, 2011

I'm Seriously Nerding Out Over Here

Pardon me, I'm having a big-time fan-girl moment.
I may be turning 33 next month, but I'm not going to let it stop me from being a total nerd about Keane. (Oh brother, them again? Yes. Bear with me.)

So, you know the story. Richard, the drummer, has a Twitter account, and I get nerdy and silly whenever he responds to me in some way. This morning, he posted a link to an article about how California has spent $4 billion on the death penalty since it was reinstated in the 1970s.

So I posted this response, which was then re-Tweeted by Richard.

Oh, yay!

My friend Cowpie posted a response about also being out of work.

 So I posted the following:

This earned me a direct response from Richard.

Which is thrilling enough, but just wait. It gets better.

Of course, I had to respond to him again:

My friend Di got in on answering him, and we went back and forth for a while (this set needs to be read from the bottom up).

And then some more...

Anyway, there was some back-and-forth between Di (a fellow Keane fan, who happens to work in a health-related field) and me. Then I left to go to the gym with Dad for a bit. When we got back, I eagerly returned to Twitter to see if there had been a response. And what did I find, dear readers?


Let me just post another version of that, with the most important part pointed out.

Now, you could be a party pooper  be a jerk kindly point out that he could be referring to someone else's tweets. But he's totally not. I was not the only person to react as though he was referring to me with this Tweet. All of my friends in ducky madness agree with this.

Between this and going to see Harry Potter this afternoon, it's shaping up to be a really awesome day.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you, "friend"! Thanks for this blog post. It makes this Twitterless Keane fan better understand what happened. I cracked up when I saw the red arrows. I think you should get this tweet image framed lol.

Anonymous said...

Sweet!!!! :) Happy for you!!!