Saturday, March 26, 2011


This week:

1. Helped shop for today's Chorale fundraiser (our annual Spring Brunch), helping schlepp 6-pound cans of peaches and dozens (DOZENS!) of eggs from cart to car to church venue. Three different discount grocery stores, on the rainiest, stormiest afternoon this week. We were soaked to the bone after three hours of this. I kept apologizing to Irene (a lovely alto) for getting her car's interior so wet, but really, there was no way around it.

2. Helped prepare thirteen breakfast quiches. I chopped the zucchini and green onions, sprinkled olives into the baking pans, and, in general, helped make the kitchen look like a hurricane had swept through.

3. Worked out a little. I skipped yesterday because I was on my feet in a kitchen for several hours, after having only a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

4. Completed four loads of laundry, and made crock pot pea soup (it was delicious).

5. Today I will help serve at the brunch, again spending hours on my feet on about five hours of sleep (I need to start going to bed earlier). I'll probably stay to help with clean-up, too. And then I will come home and crash on the couch. I'd love to say that I get to sleep in tomorrow, but the kitties at PetCo need me!

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