Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gettin' the Mojo Back

I've just finished a ton of Wordless Wednesday posts and a few Monday Music posts, so Yay Me!! I ran out of these in December and haven't been very good about doing more, but they're coming back.

The problem lately hasn't been finding things to blog's just been sitting down and doing it. It's not a depression thing, and it's not a bored-with-blogging thing. I just haven't been in a blogging mood much, but that's turning around. And sometimes, I'll have an idea while I'm out running, or toiling at the gym, or grocery shopping, and I'll think, "I must blog that!" only to find that once I'm home the idea is gone, or the words don't sound quite so real. I schedule posts like Monday Music and Wordless Wednesday, but the rest of my blog is a sort of fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants approach. The purpose has always been for me to discuss, rant, explain or just story-tell about the things that matter in my life right at this very minute. I really look at this blog as less of something I want to market to the whole world an more of really a journal that I invite the world to read if they care to keep up with a 30-something music nerd in California (or Washington, or England, or...wherever).

Also, let's face it, things are slow right now. I don't have stories for the "A Teacher's Life" label, even though I tutor a couple of days a week. Adventures as Chorale Librarian or Cat-Cage Cleaning Lady only go so far (though I do have a gross-but-entertaining story from two weeks ago, in which your hapless blogger found herself stepping in a fresh, soft, really stinky pile of cat poo at PetCo, then limping theatrically outside to scrape her shoe on the sidewalk). Day trips and adventures are limited because of money conservation, though I'm thinking a drive to San Francisco might be in order soon just to get out for a day and do something that isn't running, going to the gym, hanging out at my apartment rewriting my resume, or cleaning.

Tomorrow night I might go to Blackwater Cafe here in Stockton. They've got a jazz singer performing, and it's free (unless I buy something to eat). I like jazz. I need to get out more. It will give me an excuse to dress in something besides sweaty running gear, pajamas, or Old Navy jeans.

I am proud to report that despite the fact that I spend about 80% of my time in running gear or pajamas these days (when I'm at home, pajamas are my uniform--this has always been so), I have not lowered myself to that point where I wear pajamas or slippers to the grocery store. I have standards, and while I may leave with my hair in a sloppy bun and no makeup on my face, I'm always wearing jeans and a sweater, and a proper bra. Or workout gear, because, you know.

As posted earlier today, I have my ticket to see Mumford and Sons in April, and I am very, very excited about that. It gives me something to look forward to in addition to the endless routine of checking Ed-join (teaching jobs are rarely posted at this time of year--it's Pink Slip Season), searching for other opportunities (though Dad and I have discussed it many times, I'm still absolutely terrified of leaving this career field and trying to find a new one, unless someone wants to pay me to blog, use social networking, and take pictures) (or, you know, pay me a living wage to sing for people).

So the mojo is coming back--I originally intended to post one or two paragraphs alerting any faithful readers of this and ended up rambling on. I'll stop now. I want to blog some more, and I've got Grey's Anatomy on in 40 minutes.


Meg of the LPB

1 comment:

alana said...

Yay! My mojo seems to be back as well. I find that a bit entertaining. And a second yay! is in order for people not going to the story in pajamas. I hate that.

And I'm already stressed about getting a job and I still have two years to go. lol