Thursday night was the first of two Mozart concerts with Chorale--it went very well, and I came home and slept like a baby--concerts energize me at first, and then send me into a post-concert let-down that makes me sleep for hours and hours.
Friday morning I headed up to Mom and Dad's place to support Mom--it's the annual craft fair in their neighborhood and Mom chaired it again this year. This year, I limited my spending to $50 and got a gorgeous porcelain (hand-painted) Christmas ornament ($5), a porcelain pin ($5), two scarves ($10 each), an adorable handbag, and some baked goods from the bake sale. I actually bought a couple of my pumpkin cream cheese muffins and gave one to Mom. They were delicious.

I spent the night at Mom and Dad's house and then came back to Stockton this afternoon for the second concert. It went pretty well--the sopranos were sooo flat at parts, eek--and now we are finished with the Mozart and moving on to Handel's Messiah and other holiday favorites. The Mozart was so much fun to sing, and I'm glad I was able to stick around in Stockton to perform it with Chorale.
Tomorrow, as soon as I finish cleaning cat cages at PetCo, I'm going back to Mom and Dad's house for another couple of nights.
In all this madness, I left Millie and Harley in Lincoln this week. They were so happy to see me yesterday (and I, them, of course). Millie wouldn't leave me alone and I fear she'll be extra sad tonight. Not to fear, Millie! Mama will be back tomorrow and you'll come back home with me on Tuesday. I do miss my babies--my bed is actually colder without my little hot water bottles curled up next to me. I woke up this morning with Millie on my left and Harley on my right. Very sweet, indeed.
Much as I missed them, it was so nice to do all that baking without them sticking their noses into things or being underfoot!
And, of course, all this back-and-forth means forgetfulness. I got to Mom and Dad's yesterday only to realize I'd only packed a couple of my running bras--both of which are in obnoxious neon colors, so wearing my white t-shirt was out and I ended up, yesterday and today, in a green sweater (I'd worn my running clothes on the drive up). Then tonight, in Stockton, after putting my regular bras out so as not to forget them tomorrow, I realized I had forgotten my black coat at Mom and Dad's house.
Well, it's chilly tonight, and I knew I'd want a coat over my choir dress while coming and I wore the only other coat I have:
Yes...that is Dad's old coat. A year ago, I couldn't zip it over my tummy/chest. Now it's too big...but so comfy.
P.S. I'm...too sexy for my choir dress...too sexy for my choir dress...God, I hate that dress.
Speaking of Dad--he's started a blog. I'm so proud! I will have to link it to my own. Even if he is a Republican. ; )
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