Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday Music: MY BOYS

Okay, now that I've got that out of my system, here's a video for today's installment of Monday Music.

Keane is one of those bands whose b-sides are just as awesome as the songs that make it onto the album. Sadly, many of them are not available on US iTunes. To get "Maybe I Can Change," I actually bought the single on eBay from a seller in England, just so I could have it in my iTunes library, after listening to it on YouTube about a hundred gazillion times.

This is one that is sort of new to me, but I rather like it. It's called "Fly To Me," and is described as being one of Tim's favorites of the songs he's written, so YouTube user KittyChanU2 made a video of all Tim pictures to celebrate the song. Tim is the genius behind Keane's music (though he very humbly lists Richard and Tom as co-songwriters so that they can get a share of all royalties) and often comes across as the serious and shy member of the band. Though if you watch their DVD documentary "Strangers," it quickly comes apparent that he's just as goofy and awesome as Richard and Tom.

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