Monday, May 24, 2010

Random Pictures

I haven't done a Week in Pictures post in a few weeks. I've been meaning to, but either I don't have enough pictures, or I forget/don't have time/don't feel like it. So tonight, I'm uploading a bunch of the random pictures I've taken. We'll start with the cats...because there are always cat pictures.

Tuna Time at Meg's House
How he fits his 13-pound self in there, I have no idea.
This is what I sometimes come home to (and yes, this includes the mess of cat toys).
This is my sofa, all folded out for a one-woman slumber party...because that little orange dude barfed on my bed.
"Hey! We smell a cat that isn't one of us two. Not cool, Mom, not cool."
The cat that causes a ton of drama 'round these parts.

Then, of course, there's school stuff.

The solution to wearing heels to work--take slippers!
Some art samples I've made over the last two years to show my kids.
"What do you find scary?" One kid's priceless contribution was to use the oil pastels to write the word, "Algebra."
My colleague at one school used my room as an art gallery during Open House. She did not ask. Open House was on Thursday night. This picture was taken the following Monday morning, five minutes before I was supposed to have 30 8th graders in there. Needless to say, I was a little pissy.
My favorite classroom poster.
The time has come to pack my stuff...
All of my plushes, and, underneath them, my bag of finger puppets.

That's it for now. I'm hoping to get enough pics this week. It's the last week of school and while I'm worried about what the future holds, I'm also excited for summer vacation.

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