Sunday, May 09, 2010

Letting Go/Purging

I just ransacked my closet, tearing out everything that is too big and stuffing it into bags to take to Goodwill. It felt good to try on my brown cordouroy pants tha I wore all winter and realize that I can pull them on and off without unbuttoning or unzipping them. Several winter sweaters and my brown wool coat from Lane Bryant are outta here.
And so are some special items.
I have two Snoopy sweatshirts that are simply too huge to wear anymore. They were almost too big even when I was 220 pounds--now, they're like tents. But oh, how I love those sweaters! I haven't seen them since I bought them a few years ago at the Snoopy Gallery and Gift Shop, so they're not easily replaced in a smaller size. I hemmed and hawed for a moment, then whipped them out of the closet and put them on the bed.

I'm not hiding my body in tents anymore.

Also bittersweet was the removal of my beloved London hoodie. I bought it in Stratford a week before I left England in 2005. It was a last-minute splurge, and it's been a favorite ever since. Now, it's too big, and I have no idea when I'll get back to England to buy another.

Despite the few pieces I'm sad to let go of, overall, purging my closet is awesome. What is left are clothes that fit my body now--in sizes medium and large instead of XL and XXL. My clothes are more fitted, less baggy. They're brighter, instead of the "slimming" all black and dark hues. I threw my size 14 jeans into the Goodwill pile, but kept the 12s to use as work jeans. Soon, those will go, replaced by my 10s, when I find that I'm wearing size 8 jeans most of the time.
Hot Girl has come to stay.

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