Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cat Blogging

If you've been following this blog for, oh, five minutes, you already know that I am absolutely crazy about my furbabies, Millennium Joy (Millie) and Harley Dude. And you might also have gathered that I have never met a cat I don't like, pretty much.

So it stands to reason that I follow cat blogs and web sites. I've featured some before, but it's time to give them another shout-out, and to introduce some that are newer to me.

First, there's the inevitable and awesome LOLCats (I can haz cheezburger?), a blog in which people assign hilarious, misspelled capshuns (captions) as though the cats in the picture are speaking. If you aren't aware of this blog, you've been living under a rock and need to come out now.

Then, of course, there's the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee, a blog that follows the beautiful Charlene Butterbean and her mom, Laurie, as they raise orphaned kittens for their local humane society. Take a look--they've got two brand-new tuxies in residence!

Through IBKC, I found The Adventures of Spacepaws. It's creator, HubbleSpacePaws, is a frequent commenter here at the Little Pink Blog. She's also a foster mom to many displaced felines. What originally drew me to her blog was the Maples family (Fred, George, Percy and Ginny and their mama, Miss Peggy Sue), as they grew from teeny, tiny kittens to adult cats going out in the world to new homes.

And now, there's a new blog. It's a Kittenpalooza! is following the adventures of another foster mom who took in two pregnant sister cats...who then gave her FOURTEEN kittens between them. The most amazing part? The moms chose to share a birthing box with no fuss, no drama. Miss Caroline acted as a midwife to her sister, and they stay together in the box, each nursing whichever kittens belly up to the bar. It's perfectly lovely to see.

I still take a look at The Daily Kitten, even though...*sniff* they never posted my little dude's baby picture. Was he not cute enough?! I demand a recount!

And just because this is my blog, and I can, I leave you with pictures of my own dear sweeties.


HubbleSpacePaws said...

Thanks for the mention, Meg! Wow, along side LOLCats and the incomperable IBKC, and Jane's megabrood, I'm honored! Glad your not holding grudges against TDK, too.

Loved the pics of your gang! I love snoozy pics!! (Probably 'cause that's what I'd like to be doing... LOL!)

Meg said...

I check all of these blogs, including yours, any time I see there's been a recent update. They all make me smile, and it's good to see that there are so many people working to help cats.

Laurie at IBKC has a gift for photography, and a real way with words. And Charlene is a gorgeous cat.

I am waaay biased, but I love my cat pics, too. They really light up my life. :)