Sunday, December 06, 2009

Joy to the World

I only got three hours of sleep last night this morning, and I feel GREAT.

Last week, I had some stress. Tuesday was a pretty shitty day--no other way to describe it--and the rest of the week, while okay, was really just an exercise in surviving 'til Friday. By the time time weekend rolled around, I was ready to have some Meg Time and some fun. I got both.

I haven't blogged about this because things are new and I don't want to assume anything or jinx anything, but I guess you could say that I'm sort of dating someone. I definitely wouldn't classify it as a relationship, as we're still just getting to know each other, but there is some promise and we're making plans for New Year's, which is, of course, still weeks away. The most important thing is that we get along, the conversation flows, and my cats like him. We found this out last night, when he hung out here at Casa Meg until 5:00 this morning!

Being wired to get up early for work, I was awake at 8:00, so today has been quite lazy. I've been working on lesson plans a little bit, but I haven't left my apartment.

Only two weeks left before Winter Break, and I am a busy bee. Friday night found me at Central United Methodist Church, singing Messiah with the Chorale. It was lovely to see my friend Miz Minka again (she's been offline and crazy-busy with school) and the concert went very well. I even managed to avoid a huge, nasty sneeze in the middle of a complicated melisma. It could have been very ugly.

This week I will have a dress rehearsal on Thursday and another on Saturday afternoon, and a concert on Sunday afternoon. We're doing a holiday pops concert with Stockton Symphony, which is always a lot of fun. There's busy times at work, and I'll be doing some more holiday shopping.

Next week will be our last week before break, and the kid will be CRAZY. I'll have one more Chorale concert to prepare for, then it will be off to have a fun Christmas with my family.

I've been neglecting my blogs, especially my sign blog. I just haven't had the time or energy to get to that one. Perhaps this week, one evening.

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