Friday, October 16, 2009

Why I Teach

Every once in a while, I have one of those days that really drives home to me why I'm in this career. Today was one of those days. Lately, I've been experiencing a lot of self-doubt about my success in this line of work. Today, my kids came through for me.

This week, my 7th graders have been learning about Medieval art and music. I had them design an Illuminated Letter and a gargoyle (number one scary thing they want their gargoyle to protect them from? Their math teacher, Mr. W.). My 7th graders are darling--very nice, happy kids. They are clever and creative. Here's some of their work:

My 8th graders are learning US History this year, so I've started them with some Native American music and art. I told them about Kokopelli earlier this week, and assigned them two drawings: a silhouette drawing (to learn a new term) and a Native American design. Some of their best:

Most of them were happy to imitate the design examples I gave them, but one girl, an excellent artist, asked if she could draw a wolf. I said, "of course." She replied by blowing me away:

This is a beach drawing she did in the first quarter. I'm telling you, the girl is good. If only she'd do her algebra homework.

And, because I always give samples for my kids to show them what I want to see in their finished is my silhouette drawing, and my Illuminated Letter.

1 comment:

Miz Minka said...

YAY for VAPA teachers! That's some outstanding art. Bravo, kids! Go, Meg!