I left Stockton early, as it is Gold Rush Days in Old Sac this weekend. We had plans to meet at Joe's Crab Shack at 7:30, and I wanted to get a decent parking spot and have a little time to wander.
I arrived at about 6:30--incredibly grateful that the ladies had agreed to meeting in Sac, which is only 40 minutes from my home, rather than over an hour to get up to Folsom.
As I got of I-5, I took a sign pic while waiting for the light to change.

I got some shots from the top of the parking garage.

Then I set off to wander around. Immediately, I came across a fabulous sign.

Gold Rush Days was finished for the day, to be continued this morning, but there were still some people out and about. I took quite a few pictures of the Army camps and horses, old buildings, etc. The streets have been covered in dirt for the occasion to lend an authentic feel. I think there really isn't anything more authentic than the horse droppings all over the place.

Of course, I found the horses. I spoke for a few minutes with one of the reenactors (a Union soldier), and he offered to take my picture with Glenda, a very sweet girl. The horses are all former trotters (the race horses that pull a cart, instead of a rider) who have been rescued and retired into a life of reenacting and crowds. They're very calm and sweet.

I got some shots of the old schoolhouse. The interior shot was taken, sans flash, through a window, as the museum was closed for the day. Sorry for the blurriness.

Finally, it was time to meet the girls at Joe's Crab Shack. We had a lovely dinner and a long, long catch-up.

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