Vital Stats:
Age: 35
Where in England is he from? Stoke-on-Trent, up in the northern part of the country.
Why I'm obsessed: He may not be the greatest natural singer, but he does have some talent. His lyrics--most of the time his own--are always awesome. I love his cheeky attitude. Look at that smile! That is all "naughty little boy in a gorgeous man's body." Ew. That sounds perverted. What I mean to say is that he is unafraid to make an ass of himself. And just look at him!
Also, Rob has battled drug and alcohol addictions--publicly and privately. He's been clean for a while now, and I admire him for it. He could very well have been just another dead young pop star.
More evidence of his adorableness:

For your viewing/listening pleasure, one of my favorites of his early songs.
I am a HUGE Robbie Williams fan! I am glad he has made it across the big wide Pond with you. He is a cheeky chappie and while you are right- he doesn't have the best natural singing tallen tin the world- there is something there isn't there? that draws us in! His showmanship, his attitude, and for me his eyes- I love his eyes- he is amazing! My favourite album (although I love them all but his last-Rudebox!?) is I've Been Expecting You, which Millenium is on... ace guy, ace song= uber fan!!
Yes. I mean, I can't name one song by him, though I do remember some video where he turned into a skeleton or something?
But dude is hot. And the tattoos? REALLY HOT. He does set off my 'dar a little bit though.
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