Saturday, April 25, 2009

Woodland Scottish Games, Part 3: Fashion Police

I'm going to steal a little something from Jezzie and do The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. Here goes:

The Good

Authentic costumes, clever t-shirts and drinking from a pewter mug to keep in character are good things. Matching is good, too. Plus, I'm loving the modern-day-badboy-Scot look, even though he was wearing a see-through top.

The Bad

The whole tights-under-kilt thing doesn't work for me, especially if they have skulls or stripes. And I'd love it if people would make sure that things have a more flattering fit before venturing out in public.

The Ugly

All I'm gonna say is: Visible brastraps and a big hair-don't.

And finally, the WHAT THE F*(&^&?!?


Miz Minka said...

Re: the last picture -- Dude just got lost. He actually wanted to go to the Ren Faire. :D (Always lots of those weirdos at Ren Faires.)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The last picture is just another reason why He-Man should never be allowed to reach middle-age. That guy is very scary!!!!