Ever since that day in college when I realized that I was--*gasp*--fat, I have avoided full-length pictures at all costs. I don't post them on my blog. I don't share them.
But now I'm tired of being ashamed. I am what I am, and I'm working towards making myself healthier and cuter. As I type this, I'm taking a break from cleaning my apartment. I'm wearing my size 18 jeans that I replaced a few weeks ago with size 16. These are my baggy, saggy jeans. Perfect for cleaning, though I have to tug them up constantly.
In honor of my progress, I'm posting a full-length pic of myself. My hair looks a little wind-blown (last week was windy), and my face is red, and yes, I am overweight.
But I'm also beautiful in my way, and it's time for me to accept that.
So here I am, in all my glory.

You GO, girl. It's so refreshing to see your confidence growing. It's so important to love ourselves for what we are, imperfections and all.
And, for what it's worth, I think you look great.
: ) Thanks, hon. I'm getting there!
Those are really cute pants. And congrats on your progress, dear! I hope to have the same, but I'm pretty sure I won't, haha.
It's our beautiful Meg! :0)
Woohoo! You have been doing so great! You're getting more exercise than I do - time for me to start, so I have the energy you've described.
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