Tuesday, April 28, 2009


My computer has swine flu.
Well, you know what I mean. See, a week or so ago, I got a message that Norton Antivirus was no longer running on my computer. What AT&T Yahoo failed to tell me was that now I must switch to McAffee. So I didn't. And now I have all kinds of bad stuff in my hard drive and spent $65 last night for a guy named Rocco (I kid you not) to clean it up for me.
But wait! We're not done. Being the Year of Expensive Costs for me ($800 for a sick cat, $1600 for car servicing, $700 for new tires...), of course we're not done. He could have finished last night, but...wait for it...
I seem to have completely lost my restoration disk. Yep. Gone.
I looked in my book cases, my file drawer (going so far as to pull every single folder out and search inside), my night tables, my CDs, my DVDs, hell, I was just about to look in my makeup drawer at one point. There is no sign of that stupid disk. So Rocco is going to order a new one so he can restore my computer. I'm going crazy trying to think where it could be, because it is not in the obvious places, or even the not-so-obvious places. It's not something I would throw away (on purpose, but then I once threw away my TV remote by accident), so God only knows where it's beeen since I moved to Stockton.
Which means as soon as I've paid for a new one, and Rocco has restored my computer, I'll find the old disk.
Hopefully he can do that tonight, so I can be back in business (WITH McAffee, thankyouverymuch).

1 comment:

Heather said...

Honey, that completely SUCKS. Hoping the best for you.

And I know you know this already, but we Mac users don't have these problems.

Sending digital chicken soup. Nonfat!