I arrived at Borders around 10:00, and found it wasn't as crazy-packed as it was on the night the last Harry Potter book was released. Now that was barely organized chaos. The Twilight release party, in comparison, was pretty laid-back. I browsed the Twilight memorabilia, and settled on buying some stickers for my scrapbook. I was sorely tempted to buy the slap bracelet that proclaimed, "I like boys who sparkle!" but I held back. I am a 30-year-old teacher, you know.
I stayed away from the trivia party and the "who has the best hair? EDWARD!!!!!" stuff in the back of the store, choosing, instead, to plant my bottom in a comfy chair to read an incredibly cheesy vampire-romance-dark type of story. Well, to thumb through it, anyway. That wasted an hour.
I was near the cafe, so from time to time, a rabid fan or two would walk by me to get some caffeine. It seemed a lot of them--women and teenage girls--had t-shirts on, and I started to feel a little left out in my white sweater.
At 11:00, I decided to browse some more. I walked by the Twilight memorabilia again. By now, the t-shirts were all messed up from people digging through them, the bookmarks were gone (darn!), and much of the Cullen Crest jewelry had been taken, as well. Grown women and teenagers alike strode around the store, proudly displaying their vampire love and Team Edward/Team Jacob t-shirts. I saw a few moms wearing Cullen Crests around their necks and laughed to myself. Then I reminded myself that I was here, too, clutching a package of stickers and waiting for a silly DVD to be released.
Judge not lest ye be judged, and all that, right?
I got in line and stayed there until I was told that only BLACK wrist bands could line up right now (I had a white band). The black wrist bands were for the super-extra-special Borders Exclusive DVD set with cast interviews and a lock of Robert Pattinson's hair or something. I just wanted the cheap version, with a few outtakes and the movie itself. So I had to leave the line and wait with the other people who hadn't thought to come to the party decked out in their vampire finery.
By now, I was a little tired, and trying to stay towards the front so I could hear when announcements were made. The excited murmurs of teenage girls and their moms were getting louder. I thumbed through a new book by an author I like, which passed another 20 minutes or so, as the DVD sales began promptly at midnight.
At about 12:15, I wandered up to stand near the front. I heard an employee speak into his headset (yes, they had headsets for this event!) that all the black wristbands had been seen to. He saw me standing there and asked what number I had on my band.
"Oh, you should be in the first group of numbers they call."
"I'm getting to old for this stuff. I just want to go to sleep!"
He just laughed. Then the guy at the intercom called for numbers 600 to 625 to come on down. My little whoop of delight was more about seeing my bed very soon than actually getting my DVD.
I jumped into the line, and within a few minutes I was the proud owner of my very own Twilight DVD. By 12:30, Rosie Pro and I were zoom-zoom-zooming back home to Mom and Dad's, where I took a picture to commemorate the experience.
I decided that, though this picture is truly awful (look at my wonky eye!), it best illustrates how I felt last night--TIRED!
I think, in future, I'll leave the mania to the manics, and buy mine during normal business hours at Target like normal people. In the meantime, I will enjoy Robert Pattinson in his sexy sunglasses. Something about those glasses really does it for me.

slap bracelet that proclaimed, "I like boys who sparkle!"
And I like boys who sparkle, too, but mostly because they are usually big ol' 'mos.
It was $7.99. I figured I could make my own for less.
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