I can't believe it's over!
I am left, after reading the seventh and last book in the Harry Potter series, immensely proud of Harry and his friends, saddened by the deaths of many of them, and completely satisfied with how Voldemort's defeat came about.
It was a long weekend for me, and quite an adventure. It started on Friday night, as I walked the aisles of Border's Books and Music in Roseville, covertly taking pictures of people's costumes.
Coming very, very soon:

Hagrid and Delores Umbridge:

Luna (isn't she cute?!):

Another of Luna:

Professor Trelawney (she even had a crystal ball made of a balloon, and the perfect glasses:

I left at 11:30; my copy was coming from Amazon, and I wanted to miss the worst of the chaos. I came home and had a good nights' sleep. Had to be ready to read, you know!
Saturday dawned and I anxiously showered and sat down to wait for the UPS guy to come. A look at how my day went, according to the log I kept:
10:10 -- Finished reading Order of the Phoenix…where is UPS?!
10:17 -- Will now skim through Half-Blood Prince…need to brush up on Horcruxes.
10:58 -- Double-check at Amazon.com to make sure I told them to deliver the book to Lincoln, not Antioch.
11:01 -- Yay! As of 9:34 yesterday morning, my book was in Rocklin.
11:40 -- Still no book. I am making some lunch now.
12:11 -- Where is the UPS guy?!?
12:13 -- I want my book…*pout*
12:46 -- *sigh*
1:30 -- How long does this take?!?!? Have finished putting together some last-minute earrings to match a bracelet I’m giving Pam at her birthday party tonight.
1:33 -- Okay, I’m seriously pouting here.
1:35 -- Might as well continue skimming book six.
1:59 -- *pout*
2:32 -- Oh, my goodness!!! How many Harry Potter’s did the UPS guy have to deliver today????
3:36 -- Still not here. Have to get ready for Pam’s party.
I arrived at Pam's party and called Mom and Dad. Still no book! Fifteen minutes later, Mom called me to let me know it had arrived. Yay!!
I got home from Pam's a little before 10:00. I showered the smell of barbecue off and then settled in, at exactly 10:19 to read.

Millie doesn't really care...

I read until 3:45, finally making myself close the book to get some sleep.
I spent most of Sunday reading, only taking breaks to fire off frantic emails to my friend Shae (who had already finished) and to eat and use the loo. Oh, and that one break to grudgingly empty the dishwasher for my mom.
I finally finished at 9:18 pm, and since then, I have been thinking almost non-stop about the book and its outcome. Here's what I've come up with:
1. The Deaths:
I always knew, deep down, that Harry just couldn't die. J.K. would have had a mutiny on her hands! And I am very glad that he got to survive, and to live without the constant fear and pain, and that piece of Voldemort's soul, in his life.
However, many good characters had to die along the way, and I am sad to see them go. The ones that hit me hardest were Dobby, Hedwig and Fred. Fred!! A poster at a website I read stated that the twins should have either lived or died together. I sort of have to agree. It is tragic that George lost his twin.
As for Dobby, what a heroic little elf! Even harder than reading of his death (for we all know that Dobby would be proud to die to save Harry, wouldn't he?), was reading how Harry felt the need to put his sweat and labor into giving Dobby a proper grave. It was so sweet and so sad all at once, especially when Ron and Dean silently jumped in and started to help. Luna's words at the funeral were so sweet and appropriate.
Hedwig--it's like Harry had to lose the last link he had to Privet Drive--and Hedwig was the only magical creature who shared the experience of living there with him. I was shocked when she died, but the more I think about it, the more I can convince myself that maybe he had to lose her, as he'd lost Dumbledore and Sirius.
I was also smashed by the deaths of Lupin and Tonks--their poor little boy! Though I knew, even before the epilogue, that Teddy would always know love in his life--especially with a godfather such as Harry.
Snape...he gets his own topic.
2. Severus Snape
I don't know where I got the idea, but I have wondered a time or two in the past whether Snape might have loved Lily Evans Potter. Turns out that hunch was correct, and it explains so much about his hatred for Harry (being so like Snape
s biggest nemesis, James Potter, in looks) and yet his absolute commitment to keeping that last piece of Lily safe and alive.
Ultimately, I'm glad that Snape was truly working for the good side. It is interesting (and so true to life) that he was, indeed, very flawed, and yet able to realize his past mistakes and make them right as much as he can.
He was never going to be able to have a great relationship with Harry. Had he lived, they probably would have come to a quiet understanding and gone on their separate paths. I'm glad, however, that Harry got a chance to learn the whole truth about Snape, and to forgive him.
3. Dumbledore
I didn't want to believe that Dumbledore really was dead for a long time after book six, but I did eventually allow that it was true. For Harry to complete his journey, he had to find strength on his own, and I know this is why we don't actually hear from Dumbledore until the very end, after Harry has sacrificed himself for those he loves.
I'm glad that Dumbledore proved to be just a man underneath all of his wisdom and power as a wizard. His flaws and his mistakes gave him that wisdom, and he was able to use it to help Harry.
I am also glad that Harry had a chance to say a final goodbye to Dumbledore, and to finally weave together all that had happened to him.
4. Best Quotes:
What I love about J.K. Rowling is that, even in the midst of sorrow, fear, or the ultimate battle of good versus evil, she can put so much heart and humor into her stories. This is what makes her books so appealing--that bit of levity that reminds us that even when the situation looks dire, there is always something to continue living for.
Some of the quotes in this book made me cheer clap my hands, laugh out loud, or moan in anguish. The best of the best:
"You wonderful boy. You brave, brave man." Dumbledore to Harry after Harry has sacrificed himself to Voldemort.
"NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!" Mrs. Weasley to Bellatrix Lestrange during the second Battle of Hogwart's. Seeing the word "bitch" in a Harry Potter novel shocked me, but given the context...well, who didn't laugh out loud?
"Naturally," said the old lady proudly. "Excuse me, I must go and assist him." Neville's grandmother, after Harry informs her that Neville is fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts.
"I was an idiot, i was a pompous prat, I was a -- a --"
"Ministry-loving, family-disowning, power-hungry moron," said Fred.
Percy swallowed.
"Yes, I was!"
"OI! There's a war going on here!" Harry to a kissing Ron and Hermione, after Ron has mentioned, to Hermione's delight, that they need to send the house-elves away from harm.
"Look..at...me..." Snape to Harry, wanting one last glimpse of Lily Potter's eyes before he dies.
"We are...so proud of you." The "ghost" of James Potter, to his son Harry, just before Harry walks up to Voldemort.
"Fight! Fight! Fight for my Master, defender of house-elves! Fight the Dark Lord, in the name of brave Regulus! Fight!" Kreacher the house-elf, formerly a bad elf, now on Harry's side.
"Hello, Minister! Did I mention I'm resigning?" Percy Weasley, to the Imperiused Minister of Magic during the Battle of Hogwarts.
"Yes, I dare," said Harry, "because Dumbledore's last plan hasn't backfired on me at all. It's backfired on you, Riddle."
"Expelliarmus!" The spell Harry uses to finally defeat Voldemort.
"That wand's more trouble than it's worth," said Harry. "And quite honestly, I've had enough trouble for a lifetime."
5. Neville Longbottom
Neville has been one of my favorite secondary characters from the start. This akward, clumsy young man first won my heart when he won ten points for Gryfindor in the first book, by standing up to his friends in the name of what he felt was right. His continued courage, even when everyone else thinks he is useless, always warmed my heart.
He finally started to come into his own in The Order of the Phoenix, when we see that he will fight for Harry and Dumbledore--not only to avenge is parents, but because it is the right thing to do.
I always knew that he would play a magnificent role in the last book, and he didn't let me down. While Harry, Ron and Hermione were on their quest to find the Horcruxes, Neville did all he could at Hogwart's, finally showing his worth as a wizard to his grandmother, and, of course, to himself. His loyalty and courage are what made the Sorting Hat summon Gryfindor's sword for him, and I find it highly fitting that he had a role in destroying one of Voldemort's Horcruxes.
Like his gran, I am tremendously proud of him.
6. Ron and Hermione
It started on the Hogwart's express, and then with a troll in the girl's bathroom. Three young kids became inseperable friends. Ron and Hermione knew, from the start, that they would assist Harry until the very end of his journey.
Ron's role in destroying the locket Horcrux finally gave him closure to the inferiority and jealousy he sometimes felt in Harry's presence. I think this act of overcoming his own "inner demons," if you will, helped Ron to achieve that last bit of adulthood he needed to help Harry see things through.
Hermione, as ever, remained the level-headed witch she's always been. I love her quick mind, and her love of books (she had them sorted by subject in her enchanged purse!).
Though ultimately, Harry had to face Voldemort one-on-one, I know that having Ron and Hermione there with him throughout his journey made all the difference.
7. Percy Weasley
Percy!! You have redeemed yourself! Always a little bit of a prat, Percy disowned his family at the beginning of the fifth book, choosing to follow the promise of power at the Ministry over the love of his family.
I admit, I'd almost forgotten about him until he came rushing into the Room of Requirement, out of breath, and for once, not quite the "Perfect Prefect" he'd always prided himself on being.
Seeing this rushed, ruffled Percy made me laugh out loud, and when he reconciled with his family, I cheered (much to my own parents' consternation).
8. The Dursleys
In the notes I kept while reading the book, I simply put, "Wow, Dudley!" to express the pleasant surprise I felt when Harry and Dudley said goodbye. Turns out that while he is a spoiled, mean, stupid jerk, Dudley might, actually, sorta-kinda appreciate Harry. Especially seeing how Harry saved him from Dementors.
Also, seeing--in Snape's memory--that Petunia once wanted to be a witch like her sister was interesting. So her fear of the wizarding world and her hatred of Harry stems from good old-fashioned jealousy.
9. Voldemort
In the end, it was arrogance that brought about Voldemort's downfall. His own unwillingness to put any stock in human feelings made him weak. The moment he fell to the ground, hit by his own rebounging Avada Kedavra curse, I threw my arms in the air and cheered. Mom and Dad gave me curious looks. "Voldemort is dead! Harry did it!" I crowed.
After all of the lead-up and hype about Harry and Voldemort needing to battle each other to end it all, I was surprised at how short that final scene was...but after a lot of thought, it occured to me that when Harry came back from King's Cross, he'd really already won.
10. Harry
"You wonderful boy. You brave, brave man."
Dumbledore's words summed up so perfectly what I was thinking of Harry, and what I continued to think through the end of the book. After reading the sixth book, I commented to my friends how impressed I was by the man Harry was becoming. After the anger and resentment and general teenage angst he threw around in the fifth book, he matured a tremendous amount in the sixth. This book showed him to be the man that his parents and Dumbledore always hoped he would become.
The fact that Harry was a Horcrux didn't surprise me, though I think I'd had a discussion with Heather about whether or not a person could be a Horcrux, and we decided it wasn't possible that Harry was one. As I said, though, it didn't surprise me, and I found it the perfect way for the story to end. Harry had to sacrifice himself willingly to protect his friends, and yet, he could not truly be killed by Voldemort because Voldemort carried Harry's own blood in him. Brilliant!
We readers have seen Harry through not only an epic journey to defeat evil, but the journey to grow up and become a man. And what a man he is! Like Dumbledore, I am hugely proud of him.
11. The Book Itself
Some people have said it was slow in parts, others thought there was too much information crammed in.
I admit that I started to get a little bit impatient to read about the final battle, but I never felt bored by the rest of the story. I wanted the closure that was coming as J.K. tied up some of the loose ends. I knew that Harry's quest for the Horcruxes would have to be painstakingly slow.
It was, perhaps, the best of the seven books. I will read it again soon, because there was so much information to absorb. I'm still sort of reeling from it all.
12. The Epilogue
Cute! Some people at the fan sites have called it cheesy, but I'm glad we got to see Harry later in life as a husband, a proud father, and...happy. He is finally free, and though still famous (as evidenced by the Hogwart's students staring at him from the train), I get the feeling that his life is fairly normal and very, very satisfying. That's all I ever wanted for him, after his defeat of Voldemort.
I do have one complaint though--what happened to everyone else?? What do Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Harry do for a living? How is George getting along? What happened to the awful Umbridge? And Luna? Here's what I'd like to think:
The Weasley Family: It's obvious that Percy has some sort of job--either with the school or with the Ministry, and he has returned to his strictly rule-following, pompous ways...in the best sense, of course. Bill and Fleur are the likeliest parents of Victoire, so one can assume that they're still with Gringott's, perhaps, and living happily.
Charlie was never a huge character in the book, but one would assume he's still working with dragons. Molly and Arthur are probably delighted by their grandchildren, and I imagine that Harry and Ginny spend many a happy holiday at the Burrow with Ron and Hermione and the rest of the clan. Perhaps Arthur has a lofty position for Kingsley Shacklebolt at the Ministry.
George...poor George. My hope for him is that he has continued to build Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes into the biggest and best joke shop in the country, if not Europe. I'd like to imagine him consulting a portrait of his lost twin as he invents new products. I hope he's happy.
Delores Umbridge: Awful old hag!! I hope she is in Azkaban for all of her horrible deeds, from physically abusing Hogwart's students to the persecution of non-pureblood wizards.
Luna Lovegood: Luna is probably running the Quibbler now, and going on frequent exhibitions looking for Crumple-Horned Snorcacks and other non-exsistent creatures. I once thought that she and Neville might end up together in the romantic sense, but it doesn't look like that happened.
Jobs: It's hard to say what Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny are doing for a living. Obviously none of them work at Hogwart's, so I wonder if they are employed at the Ministry. I also wonder how much it affected the first three that they did not finish their education...though the whole defeating-Voldemort thing might be an excellent thing to put on a resume.
Hogwart's I am 100% sure that Professor McGonagall became Headmistress after the Battle of Hogwarts--who else would?
We've all known for a while that Ron and Hermione would end up together, so no surprises there!
13. The End?
Some people on fan sites cried when they reached the end of the book, knowing it is the last one, but the way I see it, we will always have this incredible series to enjoy over and over again.
All is well.
1 comment:
Excellent review, Meg!
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