Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Diary of a Fat Girl: Part Thirteen

This evening I traded in my size 18 Sweetheart cut Old Navy jeans for a size 16 Sweetheart cut. The newbies are a wee bit tight yet, but I can button and zip them, and they won't sag!

My official tally is 12 pounds, and I am delighted.

This afternoon I had another appointment with B. It's unusual to see him two days in a row because he likes to give me a chance to rest between strength training workouts. But this week I'm going out of town on Thursday (after yet another appointment with him), so we made it work.

Because yesterday I did a full-body workout, today we focused only on the lower body. He had me do lunges and squats, step-ups (my favorite.../sarcasm). I had to do leg lifts, where I lie on a mat on the floor with my hands under my bum and lift both legs together, keeping them straight. Harder than it sounds actually.

Upon returning home I was too keyed up to just sit around, so I showered the sweat off, put some regular, non-workout clothes on, and headed out to Old Navy and Target for the new jeans, and some new sports bras. I'm not sure the bras will fit--but I know they will in time, if not now.

1 comment:

Miz Minka said...

Wow, Meg. That is so awesome! I hope you're proud of the life-style changes you're making -- you should be!!