Monday, February 23, 2009

The Not-So-Religious Girl Attempts Lent

Okay, so I'm not religious, really. Never have been. My knowledge of Lent was acquired recently, while researching Mardi Gras for some lesson plans.

I've decided that this year is the perfect time to participate in Lent. Not so much to achieve a higher spiritual plane, but to help in my weight loss goals.

So, tonight, I bought a bottle of Dr. Pepper. I had half with dinner, and I will have half tomorrow (Mardi Gras). Lent begins on Wednesday...and with it, begins forty days of NO Dr. Pepper. I shall stick to tea and water.


Unknown said...

I found that once I quit drinking soda, I stopped wanting soda and totally lost the taste for it. I stick to water, flavored sparkling water, and teas.

Meg said...

I've done it before, and Dr. Pepper was not as yummy anymore. I know I can do it again, that's why giving it up for Lent is so perfect!