A few months ago, I started reading Jezebel, a blog by women, for women. I was hooked instantly. This is a blog that promises "Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women. No Airbrushing."
The posts on Jezebel are always well-researched and well-written. I've actually learned a lot, especially during the crazy election season. I admit, the site does have a decidedly liberal leaning, so if you're not into liberal outlooks, it might not be for you. But there are also lots of fun things, from movie reviews to Sadie's awesome "Good, Bad and Ugly" fashion posts from every major premiere and awards event.
I noticed from the beginning that there was a community of women (and men!) who comment on the posts, leaving everything from deep, insightful comments to crazy-funny puns. This is the Cool Kids' Club, only there's no membership fee. Nerds, Social Butterflies and everyone else are welcome--the only requirement is that you refrain from being a jerk.
Eventually, I felt the need to add my own voice to the colorful mix on Jezebel. So I made a profile and got posting. I noticed right away that some commenters had stars next to their names; I did not. After some searching, I found that a commenter must have 40 "followers" (people who click on a small heart next to the person's name) to get a star. I figured I'd never get there, as I only comment in my PST evenings, long after this east coast-based blog shuts down for the night. But, through some awesome weekend posts and a few open posts, I suddenly found myself, last weekend, with the required 40 followers. Since then, the number has risen to 55.
(You like me, you really like me!!)
Through Jezebel, I've met some awesome Jezzies, whose blogs keep showing up in my Blogs I Read list (over there --->). We're establishing a wider community of blogs and Facebook profiles, finding friendships through one really cool blog.
Anyway, it's a little cheesy, I suppose, but I feel kind of cool that fifty-five people have decided I am worth listening to. That my opinion or ability to make puns is respected by the really cool people who flock to Jezebel. It's worth a little shout-out to my fellow Jezzies all across the country. The list includes some awesome ladies.

CONGRATS!!! I was beyond excited when I got my star. Like, insanely excited. Way more excited that I should have been. But my first COTD really put me over the edge!
Yay for attaining self-worth through the internet!
I have met some amazing people on Jez. It's been so great for me, and I love all the girls that continue to provide support and friendship for me. I love my Jezzies!
I'm still working on Comment of the Day. Someday, my turn will come...
I was sad yesterday. I put out what I thought was a wickedly funny pun about Madonna's dress and no one responded! :P
Yaaaay go you! I'm really glad to have met so many awesome people, and I really enjoy each and every one of you ladies! I did a dance of glee with my star. I just need COTD now.
Congratulations! I, too, was more excited than I really ought to be about receiving a star. But a star means you're awesome. Win!
Bish! I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! I think you remember me getting my star recently - I did a freaking happy dance. I still take that sucker out, shine it, kiss it, and then put it back on my name.
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