I talked him through what happened and he agreed that I had done the right thing. Mom had taken it in stride. Obviously, if I can blog about it, I must be okay, right?
So that is over, thankfully, and I spent the day happily locked in my apartment. Yesterday was a day of discovering, running errands, and moving furniture. Today was a day to sleep in, relax, and make potato soup.
I promised Mom some pics of my new arrangement:

While I'm at it, I thought I'd post an adorable pic I took today of my Sweet Spot Sweeties Shining in the Sunshine (in other words, they had the Sweet Spot lamp on above them, and the sun shining in the living room window).

My kids. [heart]
So today has been delightfully lazy. I did get up long enough to make some potato-leek soup, but other than that I've been on my bottom most of the day. I was up late reading, so I slept in 'til about 11:00 (after a brief get-up-and-go-potty-and-take-the-morning-meds at about 8:00). I woke up to a purring little boy on my shoulder, and a warm Millie on my legs. Bliss!
Speaking of Harley, I now have his backstory. I went to PetCo yesterday to get some more food, and while there, I dropped off a bag of Iam's to the shelter ladies. I told them I had adopted one of their charges a month ago, a little buff orange named Kahn. One lady's eyes lit up.
"His foster mom is my neighbor!"
I let her know how delighted I am by my little dude, and she promised to pass the update on to the foster mom.
Apparently, Harley's mama abandoned him on a boat! Poor little guy. His cat mama just didn't know what to do with him. He was quite young, not old enough to be weaned. He was rescued and taken to his foster home, where he was bottle-fed and hand-raised (hence his lack of fear around people). Now, he is a healthy, happy 4-month-old in his "furrever" home. All around, a lucky little dude.
The ladies were so happy to hear a success story, and I was happy to share it!
So now it's off to another busy week. I'm going to Mom and Dad's on the weekend to give them a Harley fix, and to go to A Chance for Bliss on Monday.
I'll close with the latest Kideo (kitty video). It's not much, just a quiet moment in the Sweet Spot.
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