Take Millie, for example.
The first picture was just okay, so I called her name in a sing-song voice, thinking it would be super-cute to have her looking at the camera while backed by a daffodil wreath. Millie thought it would be even better to leave the shot entirely.

And then there's Harley. Faster than a speeding bullet, with a tendency to be washed out by the flash.

Then there are those moments that are truly adorable...trouble is, it's hard to get a great shot when the subject is sprawled on your arm. So you experiment with camera angles. Thing is, this particular subject doesn't, er, mind showing off his...bits. (My apologies--I just thought it was cute how he was sprawled out and hope no one is offended by such blatant kitty-porn. Hey, at least he's neutered, right?)

In other words, it's difficult to photograph cats...but every once in a while, they give you a great moment. Like this morning, when I found that a certain little purrvert had invaded my supply of feminine hygeine products.

I am finding that the best way to catch the funny things my cats do is to use the video option on my camera...which is how I got a hysterical video of Millie and Harley last night, which will be put in a seperate post...if it ever finishes loading on YouTube. Stay tuned!
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