Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Poop, Nibbles, Pouting...and One Exhausted Mama

Millie pooped today! And, even better, she nibbled some food! I actually saw her do it (eat, not poop). At the moment, she's pouting, after being given her meds...but so far, no vomit.

When I discovered the poop, I actally started crying. She threw up this morning, right after I gave her her meds, and I spent a lot of my day worrying on the inside, even as I did my job on the outside.

I called Mom and Dad. Dad answered. "Hey, how are ya?"

*sniffle* "Good. Millie pooped!!!"

He just laughed and said, "Well, that's good!"

I just couldn't help but cry. I am so very, very tired. It's been an up-and-down week of highs (Hottie Cellist, my little dude, Millie coming home) and lows (insane worrying, not enough sleep, very little patience for middle school pre-holiday hyperactivity). I know Millie still has some recovering to do, but the fact that she's nibbling on her food and pooping is a Very Big Deal.

Needless to say, it will be early to bed again tonight. Last night, Millie curled up under the covers and passed out. Sleep is good for healing and she certainly slept very well. She wants to cuddle a lot, and she purrs when I love her up.

So there's progress tonight. I'll keep watching her and cuddling her (when she's not pouting over being given meds). I have one more dose to give her tonight, so I'll do that soon, then let her pout while I shower and get ready for bed.

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