A Very Big Shout-Out
A big, heartfelt "thank you" to Miz Minka, my fellow Chorale singer and blogger extraordinaire. She read this post about my Stockings for Soldiers project, and last night at rehearsal, she gave me a shopping bag with some goodies for me to put in the stockings. Every little bit helps! It looks like I'll be sending 10 stockings, and a bunch of cards that my middle school kids are going to make.
"Are You Going to a Funeral?"
I had four--yes, four--different middle school students ask me this today. I wore a black dress to school, with black tights and black shoes. I had a black sweater on, and big faux-pearls around my neck.
Apparently, all black is not a fashion statement around here, it's a statement of grief.
I knew I should have worn the purple sweater!
I'm Allowed to Drool--He's Legal!
As Cedric Diggory, Robert Pattinson was a cute kid who could fight dragons.

I was more concerned about how Ralph Fiennes was going to pull of Voldemort.
As Edward Cullen, however...

Yeesh! I was having some major cradle-robbing-hot-flash feelings of guilt, until I realized that he's 22. Young, yes, but legal.
Besides, who can resist a "vegetarian" vampire in love with a mortal?
Concert Coolness
I'm going to Arco on Saturday, with Mom and Dad. We've got tickets to see Alan Jackson (opening act: Trace Adkins). I'm excited. We all really like Alan Jackson, and I think he should put on a really great show.
Over the summer, I started to develop a big love for country music. Alan Jackson, George Strait, Brad Paisley are some favorites. Not all country music is great, but some of it is just plain fun. Especially when driving down the highway, singing along at the top of my lungs.
One of his best songs is "Remember When." This video shows scenes from "The Notebook."
...And That's All, Folks!
I'm off soon to read some more (second time through Twilight) and get a good night's sleep.
I thought black was the look for Goth... Maybe if you had some black lipstick on and painted your nails black, there would have been no funereal suspicions. :D
I thought the actor who plays Edward looked familiar...Cedric Diggory, duh! It's been a while since I've seen any HP movies.
Ah, gee -- that song/video was a real tear jerker... *sniff*
I guess my blonde/brown hair and happy face threw them off from the goth assumption. Today, I vow to wear some color!
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