We had a good trip, but we're definitely glad to be home with privacy, our own beds and our furry friends.
Anyway, here's the story of our trip, starting with our departure on Saturday.
Saturday, April 7
My alarm went of at 3:45...yikes! I stayed in bed for another 15 minutes, cuddling with Millie and prying my eyes open. At 4:00, I got up and walked over to Mom and Dad's room.
"You 'wake?"
Brilliant conversationalists.
I stumbled off to the shower. By 5:15, we were loaded into our trusty Mazda MPV and on the road.
Dad took the first shift of driving, getting us from Lincoln into Nevada, to the ugliest rest stop in the ugliest place I've ever been. You would think a desert might be somewhat interesting, but this one is most definitely not.

My friend Daryl said, "it can't be that bad!" Oh yes it can!! More proof:

After stopping at the dreary rest stop (the toilets were holes in the ground with seats over them...'nuff said), Dad drove on to Winnemucca. I developed a certain fondness for Winnemucca, because it is chuck full of kitschy old signs, and because of the name of the place. Alas, I didn't get too many sign pictures, because I took over the driving here.
Here's the pictures I took while we filled the car with gas:

So I drove for a couple of hours, until we finally reached the town of Elko. Here we stopped at a Port of Subs restaurant for lunch. Near the restaurant I found a great sign picture opportunity:

I also took a picture of a nearby hillside, with a big "E" etched on the side. Nevada towns seem to take a lot of pride in painting the initial of their town name on hillsides. Can't remember where you are? Look to the hills for a clue.

We didn't stay long, opting to eat in the car. Dad took over driving again because I don't like to eat and drive. Plus, I was getting mesmerized by the never-ending tedium that is the I-80 corridor through Nevada.
In this part of the state, things get a teensy, weensy bit more interesting.

Interstate 80 stretching on and on and on...

We stopped at Wendover, a small, last-chance-to-gamble town that straddles the Nevada-Utah border. The Nevada side houses casinos; the Utah side is decidedely vice-free.
Just before you reach Wendover, there is a terrific view of the Bonneville Salt Flats of Utah:

We stopped for gas again, and I hopped out to use the loo and take more pictures.

The state line:

I took over the driving again (Mom did not drive at all on Saturday), taking us from Wendover all the way to Salt Lake City. It's a little over 100 miles, but fortunately, the speed limit is 75. We cruised along at 80 and made good time.
We pulled into our hotel at about 3:30. Aaron and Susanne were already there, in the room next to ours. They stayed one night and drove back to Idaho on Sunday night.
We were excited to meet my new niece and nephew, Echo and Tyson. They immediately struck me as being adorable, sweet kids. I was definitely not disappointed!
We all went to dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory, which was lots of fun. When we got there, Tyson said, "I want to sit next to Aunt Megan!" Echo did, too. My heart melted. It's so cool being Aunt Megan!!
Mom and I had brought gifts, and the kids loved the clothes and toys we bought them. They haven't been used to getting a lot of stuff in their lives before living with Aaron and Susanne, so they appreciated everything.
Sunday was Easter, so all seven Coopers headed over to my Aunt Carolyn's house for a day of good eating, catching up, and Easter activities.
Mom, Dad, Tyson and I went to Kentucky Fried Chicken to get some food. Tyson loves to help, so he carried all three buckets of chicken to the car for us:

Meanwhile, I was off taking pictures of the nearby Wasatch Mountains:

Here's a darling one of Echo and Tyson:

My cousin's kids hunting for eggs:

Aaron, Susanne and the kids had to get on the road at about 3:00. They all had work and school the next day, so we said our goodbyes and they left.
A very, very, very proud Aunt Meg:

Echo with Grandma Sue and Grandpa Doug (Tyson was having a pout and didn't want to be in the picture, but I got him anyway!!).

Mom, Dad and I stayed at Carolyn's for a little while, then went back to the hotel to rest.
Next update: Monday.
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