Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My Newest Addiction

Okay, so I'm not the biggest TV watcher on the planet. I watch NASCAR every weekend, and I try to catch Cold Case. I rarely leave the TV on for background noise (unless I've got a DVD playing).

When I'm at Mom and Dad's place, I watch more TV in one weekend than I do in two full weeks in my apartment, probably. On a recent visit, I watched Grey's Anatomy with Mom. I'd seen bits and pieces of it before and always enjoyed the parts I'd seen. This particular episode was a retrospective of Season 3 so far.

I decided that I needed to see Seasons 1 and 2 to catch up with the show, and get to know the characters better. Last week, I bought the first season on DVD, and proceeded to watch it in just a few evenings. I quickly bought the second season and, after three very late nights in a row (midnight Thursday, 3:00 in the morning on Friday night, and 2:00 in the morning on Saturday night), I had finished that season, as well--all six discs.

I'm hooked.

What a great show! It has so much heart. I have laughed, cried, and cheered for the characters. Watching the show, I can literally go--in seconds--from crying over the death of a patient to laughing at the snappy dialogue. There is plenty of romance and enough sexiness for a busload of McDreamies.

Oh, and did I mention it is set in beautiful Seattle?

So I'm counting the days 'till Season 3 comes out on DVD, and in the mean time, I'll be catching the new episodes each week.

P.S. Patrick "McDreamy" Dempsey is proof positive that some things really do get better with age:

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