TuesdayOriginally, we were supposed to spend Tuesday night in Salt Lake, then drive to Twin Falls on Wednesday. We were ready to get moving, though, and decided to bump everything up one day. Thus we found ourselves making the 3-hour drive to Twin Falls a day early, eager to see the Idaho Coopers again.
But before we left, Dad kindly stopped at London Mart, because he knows I can't go long without a Jaffa Cake fix. I bought four boxes, a couple of Cadbury Crunchie bars, and a can of Heinz baked beans. Happy girl. I also took a few pictures of the store itself.

We also drove up into the hills above downtown Salt Lake City. Recent rain had cleared the sky and these are the best views I've ever seen of the valley:

As we left SLC, I took a couple of hasty pictures. First is State Street in downtown SLC, with its view up the hill to the state capitol building (and not bad, considering it was taken from a moving vehicle):

While at a stop, I got this picture of the Mormon Temple. The large office building is the world headquarters of the church:

Finally we were on our way north to Idaho. We drove through a brief hailstorm and our share of cloudy skies before hitting some sun.

Southern Idaho was windy as hell--and there were dust storms to prove it:

Aaron and Susanne live in
Jerome, across the
Snake River from
Twin Falls. Our hotel was in Twin Falls. We had to drive over the
Highway 93 Bridge to get to Jerome--complete with its gorgeous view of the river below. Unfortunately, on one side there were several police cars and some yellow evidence tape was being put up. According to Susanne, who is a social worker, the site is quite the popular place for jumpers.
By the time we arrived in Twin Falls, we still had a few hours before Aaron, Susanne and the kids would be home, so we rested at the hotel for a bit. Mom and I went out in search of ear plugs, post cards, and we stopped at JoAnn's for fun (Mom hasn't been able to find the fabric she uses for her crazy quilting in her local store).
Of course, I'm always on the lookout for funny or interesting signs. I was not disappointed in Twin Falls:

We went to Aaron and Susanne's place at about 5:30, and sat around chatting for a bit, and playing with a few of their six (yes, six!!) cats. I let the kids take pictures with my camera.
Tyson took one of Echo and I (the shirt she is wearing is one Mom and I picked out for her):

Then Echo took this one of Tyson, Mom and I (his shirt is the one I bought for him):

They love their kitties (Coopers seem to be big cat people). Here's the kids playing with Sonia (a chocolate Burmese) and Freddie, the newest member of the Cooper family:

This is Angel, who started his life as an orphan, left to fight off big dogs for what scraps of food he could find. Now he's a healthy big boy, and a sweet one at that:

Aaron and the kids playing with the cats:

Freddie, who purred for all of us, moments after our first meeting:

We drove to Twin Falls to a very good Mexican restaurant. Again, Tyson wanted to sit next to Aunt Megan. After a delicious dinner we all drove back to the hotel, where we said our goodbyes. I wish we could have spent more time getting to know the kids, but I'm sure that will come. Aaron and Susanne eventually want to bring them to California to visit. Aunt Meg will be ready!
Next update: Wednesday.