Friday, January 05, 2007


I still make New Year's Resolutions. I try, each year, to make them attainable, so sometimes it takes me a few days after the first of January to finalize the list. Here they are, in no particular order, for 2007:

Healthier Lifestyle!

I have no set goal for weight loss, or any expectation that I'll run a marathon or anything like that. That's not feasable for me. But I do expect that I can get back on the healthy eating wagon and manage to visit the (FREE) gym my apartment complex offers a few times each week.

Pamper Myself More

I'm going to be better about getting my hair done before the ends turn to straw, and before the dark roots are a mile long. I'm going to take better care of my nails and I'm going to indulge in my first-ever whole-body massage by a professional. Sooner rather than later!

Use Snail Mail

I am going to be better about sending little notes and cards to my friends and family. Just because I'm busy at work doesn't mean I can't send off a quick greeting from time to time! It's so much nicer than email, too. I'm also going to sing up at AdoptaPlatoon again, and get a couple of pen pals to send cards and letters to. It's a great cause, and brings me great joy, so why not?

Be A Joiner

Join what? For starters, the local Educator's Band. My colleague is a member, and I'm going to join this semester and play percussion. Good times! I'm also looking around for a place to sing.

And finally...

Update the LPB More Often!

'Nuff said.

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