I don't have to work tomorrow!!!!
That's right, folks. I have a Sunday all to myself. I get to watch the entire NASCAR race. I get to sleep in. I get to actually finish some lesson plans.
Now, let me separate the kindergatos from their mischief on Mom's sewing table and I'll get on with the main subjects of this blog.
Right. I had a five hour shift at Mervyn's last night. I was happy enough after my blissful Target run (Harry Potter Christmas ornaments!! Alert! Alert!!) and even happier when I started my shift by coming around a corner, into the towel aisle and face-to-face with a very handsome man giving me a wide grin and a chipper, "Hello! How are you?"
I rolled my tongue ever-so-carefully back into my mouth and grinned back. "Fine, and you?"
Humina, humina!
So Mr. Adorable checked out a few minutes later and was ever so friendly and smiley and, yes, I checked, ringless. We got chatting about working and how it can be a bit of a drag, etc. He mentioned that he's had a few weeks off and he goes back on Monday. I asked what he does.
"I'm a firefighter."
I mopped up the drool off the wrap desk with some handy tissue and listened to him explaining that he was out for a few weeks with a back injury. Made the appropriate, "Oooh, poor you" response and smiled winningly. He smiled back.
Whah Scahhhlette, Ah do believe you're flirtin' with that handsome fahrfahter...
The unfortunate thing in all this is, of course, that it's hardly appropriate to slip the guy my phone number when I'm on the clock...who knows, maybe he'll suddenly decide he needs new sheets.
So yes, it's a Hot World...and it's also a very, very small one.
Later in the evening I was ringing up a sale and noticed the man buying the stuff had an accent.
"I have to ask...England?"
"Ahh...I just spent a year there."
"Oh, yes, where in Essex?"
"Burnham-on-Crouch..." I was just about to explain to him just where Burnham is (because no one has heard of Burnham).
But..."My father lived there."

Turns out this guy and his wife lived in Chelmsford for a while, his dad lived in Burnham. He's well familiar with the sailboats and the sea wall and the town itself. I'm well familiar with the shopping and nightlife available in Chelmsford. And now, here we all are, in Middle-of-Nowhere, Pacific Northwest.
All in all, it was an interesting evening.
And now, my friends, I am off to Bedfordshire. I had a late night, an early morning and I was on Truck Team today. Yes, unloading boxes and hauling stuff around. I am tired.
Good night!
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