
Meg liked Kevin Spacey movies

Meg hated her retail job

Meg will cheer when she's able to give up retail.

Now some might say that Meg is a

The End (of the story, not the blog update)
I'd forgotten what fun smilies are.
In the FABULOUS NEWS category, tomorrow is payday!!! It won't be much, but it will be more than I've had for a few weeks now! Woohoo!!

In case you're not counting down, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire opens three weeks from tomorrow.

And that's about it. I've got a 5-hour shift tonight in Home Fashions, and then nothing 'till Sunday. Will spend Saturday going through some boxes of stuff in the storage room. Exciting life of Meg...Hmmm, guess I can't have crazy road trips every day.

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