Here's your May 11 horoscope.

A creative project that you have been working on may be coming to a climactic peak at this time, Megan. Discuss your progress with others and feel free to hold an informal critique in order to get honest feedback on your work. A piece of art should stir some sort of reaction inside another person. Consider ways in which you can challenge the people around you with your talent.
The creative project would refer to GCSE Music, that extremely heavy monkey on my back. The climactic peak refers to the fact that I've been given a day off timetable to deal with it all. I have been hunting my kids down, finalizing details for recording their coursework (composition and performance), talking to all the people who are helping me with this, drinking large quantities of tea and listening to my Aerosmith CD. I'm slowly making progress.
I go craaaaay-zeee
Baby, I go craaayzee.
You turn it on
Then you're gone,
Yeah you drive me
Sorry. Just had to sing along.
Anyway, I'm feeling a smidgeon better. Just a teensy bit. I've been in panic mode about this for a month now and I'm so ready for it to be over and done. It will be soon. End of this week, possibly early next week. Thank God.
So it's been a productive morning. Here I am, continuing my productivity by...updating my blog. Hey, I'm entitled to a quick break. And a wee (too much tea). And a good laugh.
The good laugh comes from the staff room, where one of our finance ladies has just set out some books for sale. Companies sell books and other goodies at reduced prices in teacher lounges the world over. I love looking at all of it and I've even ordered things before.
Anyway, Heather (the finance lady) brought in a bunch of stuff and showed my friend Donna and I one of the offerings.
Erotic Dot-to-Dot.
I'm not kidding.
We laughed until we hurt. I might still be blushing, actually. One of the pictures is a lady's head, and the dot-to-dot right in front of her open mouth is unmistakably a...well. You can figure it out.
My friend Louisa and I discussed whether we should photocopy a few and use them as starter activities in our lessons. I'm sure they'd be popular. Though we might have an increase in parent complaints.
I've had more response to the making public of my plans. Everyone is sad to see me go. The assistant head, Alison, told me yesterday she was really sad to get my letter. She understands, but she is sad to see me leave. Today, the deputy head, David, and I spoke during break and he thanked me for all that I have done, including going above and beyond what I needed to do. I told him that I learned from my Air Force daddy that if there's a job to be done, just get it done.
Listening to people, I realize that I have done some really good things here. But I'm still ready to come home for a while. Millie needs me. Well, okay, I admit it, I need her.
"Life's a journey, not a destination."
Don't worry, I'll be switching CDs soon. U2 isn't quite so quoteable as Aerosmith.
Anyway...I guess I should get back to work.
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