Monday, May 09, 2005

Marriage Proposals and What the Bosses Think

Marriage Proposal

Somehow, I was hoping for more romance.

I mean, what girl doesn't dream of candlelight and bunches of flowers for her first proposal of marriage?

I got flourescent lighting and bunches of year 8s.

Yes, folks, it's true. I've been proposed to. Unfortunately, it does not follow that I'm engaged. Even if Liam were old enough, I wouldn't have him.

It all started yesterday during first period. I had settled my year 8s in to take their music assessment. I was explaining the test itself and the rules of conduct I expected. In walks Liam, a year 9 with...problems...slurring, "I loooove yooouu, Misssss!!"

I ignored it and kept talking. Liam left.

A few minutes later, he's back. This time he comes into my room while four of his little friends stand in the hallway, snickering, and says, "Miss...will you marry me?"

"Liam, go to class."

(Ooh! Harsh!)

"Will you marry me?"

I walked out into the hallway and threatened all five boys with detention if they didn't get to class immediately. Off they went.

A little while later, my friend Louisa comes back with Liam. She teaches his IT class first thing on Monday morning and he had to be kicked out. He refused to go to the art teacher next door to me, so she asked if I would take him. I agreed...but Liam just stood in the hallway being weird. Louisa mentioned that she thought he might be on something.

So I poked my head into the nearby staff room, where I could see one of the senior members of staff, and whispered, "Ralph...Liam so-and-so is out here causing problems. We think he's been taking something..." Ralph said, "Right. On my way."

Liam was sent home for the day.

Hopefully, next time someone gets it into their head to propose to me, they'll at least give me flowers!

The Bosses

I gave my letter of resignation to four people: the Head, the two deputy heads, and the assistant head who deals with personnel. The head and one deputy have acknowledged it. The deputy simply thanked me for my letter and told me he understands my decision, thank you for all you've done, etc.

The head said much the same thing, then added, "I don't know that we'll be able to find another music teacher...even if we advertise now, no one will respond... shortage area...well, we might just have to cut music from our school curriculum."

And this is my problem, how?

Anyway, I am not feeling guilty. I have done everything I can for this school and if they didn't cover their hineys by looking for a new music teacher while I was still making up my mind, just in case, it's their problem, not mine.

Meanwhile, I've been quietly telling people that I'm leaving. No billboards, no big announcements. But people have been asking and I'm being honest. I'm sincerely flattered by the reaction I'm getting--people are sorry to see me go. Though they all acknowledge that it is best for me.

I will miss my colleagues. I've met some lovely people here.

Right. Lessons to plan, copies to make, people to talk to, kids to discipline. Another Tuesday. Must gear up for 5th period, who have taken Friday Five's place as my least favorite class to teach. Friday Five is actually somewhat teachable now. A lot of them have improved. I guess perseverance (and concessions for big-time immaturity) pays off.



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