I'm sure, by now, that a few of you have recieved my email about having internet up and running in my classroom. Yes, folks, 'tis true. I am connected to the World Wide Weird. I may never leave my classroom again. Except that I don't have a fridge in here. And that might be a little odd anyway.
I challenged her!
Who? A student of mine who is musically advanced.
One of the tricks to teaching is challenging your smart kids while keeping the not-as-smart kids (and the downright dumb ones) from flinging themselves from the nearest window in despair at not being able to complete the work.
Very tricky balance to achieve.
What normally ends up happening is that the kids like Rachel (a nice kid, by the way) end up finishing 30 minutes before everyone else and then helping others finish (often this "help" involves the less-able students copying).
Today, however, my lesson on chords challenged Rachel enough that she had to ask for help. For once I managed not to bore her...and yet it was still a lesson the other kids could complete. Hooray!
Music of the Week (Month)
Right. If you don't have Maroon 5's Songs for Jane...make the investment. Ditto for the soundtrack to Beyond the Sea. I'm addicted to these CDs. I took 10 CDs to France. I listened to two of them. I wound down in bed each night to Kevin Spacey singing "Mack the Knife" and "Beyond the Sea." "She Will Be Loved" (Maroon 5) is constantly stuck in my head.
Good stuff.
Willy Wonka Bah Humbug
I love the whole story of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory as much as anyone. And I will love seeing Johnny Depp in his Willy Wonka role coming soon to a theatre near you.
What I do not like is the though of spending all day tomorrow with year 8s, doing stupid activities revolving around the theme of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Yes. One group at a time, I get to help bratty year 8 groups make up songs about the Oompah Loompahs and "factory sounds" using classroom instruments. To borrow a line from Heather, I'd rather eat nails.
Kevin, Here I Come (Again)
Kevin Spacey's new play starts next week. Friday night will find me happily sitting in the audience. I can hardly wait. He was so amazing in National Anthems. He's a fantastic actor. This is gonna be good.
Year 9 Testing
Praise God and His Angels, the year 9s have TESTING!!
In other words, it interferes with several music classes next week. I'm not fighting this one. Mini-break for Miss Cooper!
The only thing is, I'll still have my 3 most difficult year 9 classes of the week: Tuesday 5, Friday 4 and Friday 5.
I think I can manage it.
Stop the Presses (This is funny)
In my draft box of my email, I have a quick message to send to Heather about the weather (she asked).
Here it is:
You were asking...
It has been gorgeous today! We're only a few miles in from the North Sea so weather can fluctuate madly but the last couple of days have been gorgeous. Sunny, not too cold (though I wouldn't call it warm, either) and perfect for sitting in the sun. Unfortunately, I'm doused in flourescent lighting.
Days like this in Elverta I did outdoor activities with the kidlets. If I did that here, they'd all run away. Better to keep them locked in.
I wrote that at lunch time (an hour ago).
It's raining now.
I'm wearing a pretty skirt today that I haven't worn in a looong time. I can actually remember wearing it to my sister-in-law Susanne's bridal shower. Four years ago.
Anyway, it's black with purple flowers all over and I've had quite a few compliments on it today.
The one that really sticks out though, is the Pastoral Support Manager for years 8 and 9. Karen is this gorgeous lady with a beautiful figure and a grand sense of style. So compliments from someone like her always make me walk taller. Well, that could also be my cute heeled shoes.
Outsmarting Marc
Marc. What can I say about Marc except that he's, well, a little shit?
Marc is a year 9 I have the, um, fortune to teach once a week. He's a little jerk. To everyone. And it's nearly impossible to catch him at things.
I hate that.
Anyway, he's taken to walking by my desk when my back is turned (and he's a quick little booger), turning on the stereo, turning up the volume and letting it blast out.
I finally got a clue. First off, I never take my eyes off him.
Secondly, I empty the CD tray before he comes in. And if he figures out how to switch it to stereo, I'll unplug it every Wednesday morning.
I am smarter than a 13-year-old!!!
Bet ya'll didn't know (except Mom and Dad, who just saw me) that my hair is now long enough to wear in a ponytail once again. Makes a nice change from having it hanging in my face all the time.
Favorite France Pictures
Me in front of the Louvre:
One of my favorite sculptures in the Louvre:
Monet's famous water lily pond:
Eiffel Tower by night:
Me on a bridge:
Mom and Dad on same bridge:
End of Day!!
I've been writing this in bits throughout 5th period while my year 10s were composing.
It is now 3:30 and I am going to get out of here as soon as I possibly can and get to the co-op, then HOME! Kathy and I have grand plans to watch Bridget Jones' Diary. A true classic.
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