Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Is it Saturday yet???

'Cause Saturday I'll be in London. I've earned a trip to London.

And shopping. I don't know why but I really feel like buying underwear. Let's hope I'm not having a "feel like a cow" day.

It's been colder than you-know-what in these parts. I don't generally mind it but the heater in my classroom is broken today and you could probably make ice cubes.

Enough complaining, though. I am done for the day and I get to go home soon and have meat loaf for dinner, with mash and green beans. Comfort food, just as Mom would make it.

There's not much to tell right now--I'm just kinda hanging out waiting for January (and it's accompanying "blahs") to wear off and February to begin. February will be a busy month. At the end, the reward is half-term break. I've booked a place in a hostel for three nights in York. Everyone says York is beautiful and I can't wait to see it.

All for now. My hands are so cold I can barely type...

Cheers, Meg

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