Thursday, November 11, 2004

A Day in the School

It occured to me that I've never explained our school day. I have 10 minutes left of lunch, so I'll do it now.

8:50-9:10 Registration. The kids are in Mentor Groups (mine is year 12, of the Sixth Form). We do citizenship, announcements, etc. Sixth Form has a briefing at this time every Tuesday.

9:10-10:10 First period

10:10-11:10 Second period

11:10-11:30 Break (Twenty minutes. Free tea in the staff lounge. Heaven!)

11:30-12:30 Third period

12:30-1:30 Fourth period

1:30-2:15 Lunch

2:15-2:20 Registration (a quick check-in)

2:20-3:20 Fifth period

3:20 School's out and now it's meetings, planning, or my GCSE group (on Tuesday and Wednesday).

That's it. And lunch is over soon. I still need to eat my celery and then use the loo.

More soon.

Cheers, Meg

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