Monday, July 01, 2024

The Land Down Under, Part 7: The Nothing Day

 After my evening at the Kangaroo Sanctuary, I was all set to fly back to Sydney the next morning. This was Thursday, and would be a rather inactive day with only a handful of pictures.

The most notable event was that I tried Vegemite.

My hotel in Alice had a free buffet breakfast, so I took advantage of that before my shuttle ride back to the airport. As I piled up a plate with eggs, bacon, and other good stuff, I saw the small Vegemite packets, and thought, "Well, when in Oz..." 

The rest of breakfast was amazing.

The verdict: It's not for me. I'm told it is great with cheese and bread, but I'll leave that to the devotees.

The flight back to Sydney was uneventful. I had finished the book I brought from home, so I bought a great piece of Australian historical fiction and started that. Before too long, I was seeing some famous sites from my window seat. 

The control tower at Sydney Airport. I like to imagine that after a stressful day, controllers can slide down.

I arrived back at my hotel around 5:00, and my plan was simple: stay in. I had brought a face mask in my luggage, and this was my planned "spa" evening. My hair needed washing, and I was also looking at the state of my cuticles with massive side-eye. 

My Sydney hotel had a deal where for every day you put the "do not clean" sign on your door, you got a $10 credit for their restaurant. You could do two days in a row, then by law, they had to clean the third. I did this throughout my trip and then used the credits to use a couple items in the room's mini-bar, but also for dinner on Thursday--a lovely cheese plate from room service. 

So I spent a lovely evening, giving myself a bit of a scrub before settling in my freshly-made bed with my cheese plate and the just-released second half of Bridgerton Season 3. I drank Coca-Cola from a wine class (we fancy) and rested my feet from all the walking I'd been doing so far on my trip. 

The next day would bring some expected rain, so I made a quick plan to see indoor attractions. But for tonight, I was happy to relax. 

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