Sunday, September 06, 2015

My Week in Instagram (Week #145)

Another week flies was a good one. : )


The thing about professional pedicures is that they last SO much
longer than when I do it myself. 

On Matt's advice, took it "easy" on my Sunday run--instead of
10 miles, I ran a 5K and worked on speed. It's part of my training
now for my next half.

Post-run selfie.


Gu. I pretty much can't live without it.

My NASM certificate looks very nice on my brag wall. Dad
called it the "I Love Me" wall. You say to-may-to...

Mom (Susan) planted some Black-Eyed Susans.

The picture doesn't do these justice. The color is lovely.

I was perusing my new book about running, and noticed this
model crosses her hands across her chest, which is a HUGE


Monday Morning Polka Dots

How do you teach the concept of So and Mi to five-year-olds?
With cute animals, of course. So Squirrel and Mi Mouse.
We'll be adding La Lizard this week.

Someone left the milk out.

The church across the street from school is so pretty. Our
kinder classes are housed there for now, so I am there three
mornings a week.

One of my middle school girls gave me this. Very sweet. They
seem to like me.

Trying a new club--this one is half a mile from work. I won't
bother going home after work on Mondays, because I'd have to
just turn around and come all the way back to Sacramento for...

...Sac Choral Society. Season 20! It's my 5th season, and I'm
glad to be back at it.

This is my second go-round with this piece. It's really lovely,
and fun to sing. I sang it with Stockton Chorale in 2009.


Why even bother with curlers on Monday night?

It actually looked better later in the day.


One of the kinder teachers used this cute idea to help her kids
learn how to line up in a straight line, without being on top
of one another. 

The second graders were learning about world instruments, and
they LOVED the coloring sheets I brought. I'm still giggling
over the "Mrs. Grouper," though.

This is what happens when you really, truly, SERIOUSLY do
not feel like running, but you go out there and do the stupid
timed mile anyway. A new personal best. I don't even know.


In the staff room. I bring tea from home, so...

Become educated!!

Our school counselor asked me if my art class could make
house posters--we're going to be doing a house system for
points (like Harry Potter, yes) and they put the lists out for
Open House. 

The houses really turned out cute.

The girls who did this one went above and beyond with
the detail. Really, really cute.

This house, made by some of my 6th graders, was also really
cute, so we hung it at the entrance to the school to welcome
all the parents.

Seen on my way home.

This made me giggle.


I think Friday Jamba might become a thing.

Art project, clarinet reed, lunch. That's the state of my desk
at any given moment.

My Friday art elective class (grades 6-8) did Illuminated
Letters. My experience in Stockton had me thinking most
would just half-ass it. They proved me gloriously wrong.

So much detail. I showed them a few examples, and they
RAN with it. They've been really wanting art at the school.

The kid who did the I asked if he could give it to me as a
gift. Very sweet.

She did this herself. Silly Bella!


This pretty much sums up how I feel about the Paleo trend.
If I hear one more person talk about their Paleo zucchini lasagna
on Twitter, I'm going to scream about how our distant ancestors
weren't making bloody lasagna. 

Duchess is Queen of the Garden.

I got two new brake pads, did all my laundry, paid rent at my
storage unit, and then declared it time to stop adulting for
the day.

WANT. WANT. WANT. It's seventy bucks, but OMG WANT.

Dad asked me to make him a hot fudge sundae. We are out of
ice cream. I did my best. Dad laughed and said, "Good one."
Mom laughed and said, "You're so his daughter."

When I saw that Robert Redford had made a movie based on
a book by one of my favorite writers, I knew I had to see it.
Laugh-out-loud funny.

Can't tell me that California isn't beautiful...

You can just make out the Sacramento skyline on the horizon.

California Girl.

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