Saturday, March 21, 2015

My Week in Instagram (Week #121)

Well, any week that starts off with a half marathon is bound to be exciting...


Sunrise view of the State Capitol from my hotel room.

The hat clip was the perfect touch to my race outfit.

Great nickname.

Wave Four lines up.

Ready to run!

I took a selfie with about half a mile left. 

And the requisite Finish Line Selfie.

Now, to find my car...

My first real food on Sunday--that is, not gels or gummies by

About ten minutes later.

Grand plans for Sunday evening...

...but first a bath.

The requisite post-race blogging.

These legs ran a half marathon.


The theme for this week would be rollin'. 

Yep. Rollin'. 

New dress. : )

Feeling cute on a Monday.

New music! 

My legs got a lot of attention this week. It was Wednesday
before they felt normal again.


On Tuesday, I covered 2nd period for a science teacher. His
room is FULL of taxidermy.

Oh give me a home...


The school paper is always ON it.

I borrowed Matt the Reasonable's roller on Tuesday
afternoon and it HURT SO GOOD. It helped.

My nod to the holiday.

I'm so not remotely ready to commit to another yet, but
I have a feeling I will soon.

Pics from Mom's garden...


More rollin'. 

The view from the roller.

Some days just call for awesome earrings.

Left behind at a Chevron.

My official finish line photo.


Sunshine girl.

Bella Belly Rubs

When your legs match your skirt.

I won a prize! 

More pics from the garden.

She has taken to sleeping on the piano.


My choir room tree is leafing out nicely.

Friday: Messy ponytail and commemorative Shamrock'n

Friday after work: quality time with an old favorite.

...and getting taxes done. Best outcome in years.

I had to be up at a stupid time this morning, so I relaxed last


Stupid Early was supposed to be 5:30. Instead, I woke at 2:00
but at least I had good company.

Tired, and at the Large Suburban High School at 7:00 AM.

School bus selfie! Taking 20 high school singers to a music
festival at Sac State.

Bunch of dorks. : )

The wheels on the bus...

Yay! Not the highest ranking (that's Superior), but we were

The first strawberries of the year from our favorite farm

Caturday means catnaps when Mama only got four hours of
sleep AND went on a field trip this morning.

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