Wednesday, May 22, 2013

And So It Goes

My weekend was a wild and wonderful mix of busyness, fun, choral fellowship, pride, and needing a nap. Sac Choral's concert went incredibly well, and all those hours of rehearsal, and all the time I was away from home, driving around, etc., were well worth it. Joining this group is one of the best moves I've ever made.

That said, I woke up on Sunday feeling hung-over. Even after a good rest, I was tired, headachy, and bleary-eyed. A hot shower, some ibuprofen, and a hot shower fixed me up, but I have to admit, in the days since, I've been running a wee bit behind my usual schedule.

Next week, of course, is production week at Petite School. I will be there all day on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The performance will be Thursday evening, and Friday is my normal teaching day there (I'm so showing a video, and I will so have earned it).

So this week is sort of the calm before the storm. Oh, next week won't be bad, just busy. I won't have a lot of time for myself, I'll be driving more, and I'll have the normal stress and nerves that happen when a music teacher is hoping her kids pull off a great performance. This week is my time to gear up for all of that, to order the sound system (done!), get enough sleep, get some good workouts in (if my left quadriceps would just stop being so whiny), and try, best as I can, to plan for the hectic week ahead. And it will be hectic. As awesome as my students at Petite School are, they are like any children anywhere in that they will have a gazillion questions and concerns that need to be addressed right now or huge panic might set in. I will be comforting fears and talking down the nerves and patting them on the heads to reassure them that they're going to be fine, etc. This, between setting up the stage, overseeing the delivery of our rented sound equipment, and finalizing details. It's the life of a music teacher--I'm not complaining, I've survived this before!

So next weekend, as May turns into June and my responsibilities at Petite School wind down for this school year, I will be sitting on the back patio, reading, possibly sipping a margarita. And the only sound you will hear from me is a satisfied sigh.

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