Thursday, April 11, 2013

Driving Ms. Crazy

I've been noticing this situation happening a lot of late, and I am throwing my big question out there for my friends to help answer. The question is, "Who is in the wrong in this situation?" The back story is this:

See this (badly drawn) picture below:

In this picture, the yellow car is me, happily driving on the four lane highway (two lanes northbound, two lanes southbound) at 70 miles per hour, when I realize that someone is following entirely too close to my rear bumper for my liking.

Notice that the blue cars in the right-hand lane have enough distance that I could, technically, merge over and let Red by...however, to do so would require me to have to hit the breaks quite fast to avoid running into the back of the blue car in front of me as I move. I'll also point out that you don't see cars in front of me in the left lanebecause most cars in my lane are moving about 70 mph, as I am, and therefore, I'm keeping an appropriate distance between my car and the next one in front of me. This is called "safe driving."

So I continue on my merry way, refusing to speed up to 75 or 80 mph, and also refusing to merge into the right lane, which is averaging 60 mph (or less, when there's a large truck) all while Red behind me hounds my back bumper like a flea on a dog.

It occurs to me that the polite thing to do is move over, let the jerk fly past me and hope he/she gets a speeding ticket. However, to be polite would put my well-being at risk, and others' because my rate of speed is faster than everyone in the right lane. I'm perfectly aware that by law, I am going over the posted speed limit (which is 65 mph), and I don't think I'm harming the car behind me by staying exactly where I am and sticking to 70 mph.

However, almost invariably, when I finally do merge to the right (usually a mile before the exit for my neighborhood), Red goes screaming by me, giving me a dirty look.

So, I ask you: who is in the right, here? In driving in the left lane, am I obligated to go 80 mph simply because some jerk wants to get home thirty-seven seconds faster? Am I obligated to merge over, hit the brakes hard, and cause all cars behind me to also check up?

Or am I perfectly fine going a tiny bit over the speed limit and cruising along at a safe following distance from the car ahead and letting some jerk ride my bumper?

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