Sunday, November 11, 2012


After wallowing for a few days last week, slowly, I started crawling up out of the grief abyss and joining the real world. Going to the gym, teaching piano lessons, teaching on Friday. Little by little, normal started to return.

And I made a To Do List.

Here's a little not-so-secret secret about me: when I'm stressed, I organize. I clean. When life hands me chaos, I do my best to put things back in order. Today, that meant organizing an already-organized closet, and going through my file drawer. It meant dusting and vacuuming the bedroom, cleaning the bathroom, doing several loads of laundry. I washed both of my coats and ironed them (yes, ironed them). Washed my bed linens and remade the bed. Re-listed several items on eBay, adding shipping sales for the coming holiday season, and then scheduling endless Tweets on my "business" Twitter account to promote those items throughout the week.

I knocked so many things off my To Do List, I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself this week, aside from working out and writing up lesson plans.

We're hanging in there. We all feel so bad about Harley. The bottom line is that it just plain sucks that he died so young. But the tears are fewer and farther between, and I'm moving towards acceptance. It happened.

And I have the most disgustingly organized closet you've ever seen.

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