Saturday, August 25, 2012

Five Miles

I was delighted this morning to pull into the parking lot at the local college where my running club meets to see my running buddy there. She doesn't make it every week, but when she is there, we run together, as we are both slower than the others who come on Saturday morning. And when I run with her, I run longer.

I told her today that I wanted to push my distance, so we got out on the track, walked a couple laps, then started our slow run. Kathy wears a running watch (on my ever-growing wish list of athletic gear) and she knows better than to tell me how far we've run--and I know better than to keep track in my head how many laps we've completed.

What's fun about running with her is that we keep up a steady stream of chatter about everything from our jobs to how gross runners are (discussed after I wiped my running nose on my tank top). So it's easy to lose track of how many times we've circled the track and just get into a rhythm. My legs felt good today, and cramping was minimal, though I did feel a bit of that in my shoulder at one point.

We finally got to a point where I was starting to need water, and my stomach was feeling a little on the odd side (happens when I push myself more than usual). I mentioned this to Kathy as we completed a lap, and she responded with, "Can you give me two more laps?"

"Sure," I responded. I figured she had her reasons.

"You won't regret it."

We did the two more laps, and I wondered how far we'd gone. My previous best for a long run was 4 miles, and I figured we must have gone further than that. As we came to the final straight on our last lap I asked, " it five miles?"

Though I couldn't see her face, I know Kathy grinned. "Yup!"

"Woohoo!!" Suddenly revitalized, I picked up my pace a little and threw my arms up in a V-for-Victory as we approached some of our fellow club members.

A new personal best: I ran five miles without stopping, walking, complaining or wanting to die. I'm quite pleased with myself. It wasn't fast, and I was completely drenched at the end.

It's the best feeling.

Later, I stopped at the gym to do my strength training, and I had a chance to brag to my always-supportive friend M. I'm nearing goal weight, upping my training, and kicking some serious booty along the way. And I admit, I love it when M. tells me, "I'm proud of you!"

So yes--goal is in sight. I held steady this week (and felt bloated, ugh) but I've been eating well and exercising. Kathy told me I'm a "skinny bitch" today and when I told M. that, he laughed and said, "Yes. You're part of the Skinny Bitches Club now. And it's permanent."


Erik Ammon said...

WOOOOO! Awesome Meg! Be proud of yourself!!

Meg said...

Thanks, Erik. I am proud!