Friday, April 27, 2012

Fitspiration Friday

This is so true. Running is never going to be easy for me--I've just gotten better at getting out and doing it. My attitude has gotten better. Burpees? Oy vey, I don't enjoy them...but I do them. And my arms? Oh, they'll tell you that Burpees are worth it.

That said...what are you going to do for your body this weekend?

1 comment:

Erik Ammon said...

I'm leading a running form class on Sunday! First one ever!! We'll see how it goes...I'm shivering a lot, too since our furnace is out and it'll be around 34 tonight. Thank god for space heaters (2) that will prevent us from freezing!! And I did a lot of walking today watching a few friends at the Tough Mudder PA as well as hoping for 1.5 miles tomorrow! Monday is {knock-knock} my last day of PT!!