Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Conversations With My Trainer

Two months in to my training with M. the Reasonable, things are moving along quite nicely. I'm losing weight every week, he's never had to get angry with me, and he once even told me he wishes he could transfer some of my "great" attitude to his other clients. We have a great rapport, so my appointments with him fly by in a flurry of hard exercising (he's nice, yes, but he still makes me work hard) and easygoing chatter.

We have none of the acidity that I could sometimes throw at G. the [long-suffering] Meanie (make no mistake, he gave me my share in return). I admit, I was a brat to the kid. With M., there's the occasional hint of sarcasm:

MtR: Okay, you're going to do [insert name of exercise I'm not crazy about] now.

Meg: Oh, GOODIE!! 

He usually just greets this with a slightly evil smile, and possibly, "Your favorite!!"

Today, the following exchange occurred while I was completing an exercise I struggle with:

Meg: I can do this!

MtR: Yes, you can!

Meg: That was more for me than it was for you.

MtR: I know, I just wanted to let you know I'm on your side.

Meg: I appreciate that! Actually, I do that a lot. I mutter to myself as I'm working out. It's like I need to hear it, not just think it. People must think I'm crazy when I'm running.

MtR: I do that, too!

We went on to discuss that we talk to ourselves, basically. How it's not enough to simply think, "Come on, you candy ass, don't give up!" (yes, the term "candy ass" was used by both of us, and it was agreed that it's a great descriptive term). Sometimes, you have to hear it. So muttering it out loud to yourself just makes sense. In our minds, anyway.

All of my trainers have been great at motivating me, but it just seems like M. is constantly positive and upbeat about all of the successes I'm achieving, and also when I have bad days. He does not let me get down on myself.

I didn't see him as usual on Monday because he was ill, so at today's appointment, I was excited to tell him that 1) I weighed in at 158 the other day, and 2) I've signed up for my next 5K (roll on, February 26th). He was, of course, very pleased, and then he pointed something out.

MtR: So, February 26th...hmm, we'll be staring at the 140s by then!

Meg: Yeah...[thinking about just what this means] yeah...Wow, yeah!!!

MtR: [laughing as he watches light dawn on Marble Head]

Meg: I've gotten in the habit of focusing on the immediate goals. I've been thinking, "Yay, I'm getting close to 150! But you're absolutely right, I'm not far away from the 140s!

By far the best conversation we had today, however, was the one I thought might make him think I'm a complete moron.

Meg: Yeah,'s a little crazy. But...I ran my 5K on Sunday with a rubber duck strapped to my wrist.

MtR: [initially looking confused] A rubber duck?

Meg: Yes, I have a lucky rubber duck.

MtR: [motioning with his hands] Like a full-sized rubber duck?

Meg: No, he's just a small duck. [motioning with my own hands to show him how little Cali Swimmy is] It's kind of a long story, but he's got four friends. There are five of us--me here in California, Lindsay in Detroit, Maayan in New York, Amanda in Holland and Sarah in England. We all have ducks. We take random pictures of our ducks in random places.

MtR: That's awesome!

Meg: It's ridiculous, really, but--

Mtr: It's not ridiculous. I think it's awesome.

Meg: Well, we have fun, anyway!

MtR: So you take it everywhere?

Meg: Yeah, I take it on trips and adventures. My friends here have gotten used to me pulling the duck out of my purse for photo ops. Like when my friend Summer and I had our little trip a couple weekends ago, I took some duck pictures. I love it when I find a fountain, so he can swim in it.

MtR: [full-out laughing by now] I love it!

We discussed how there are people with traveling garden gnomes and other funny things, and he said, "It's not even weird, anymore, really, to do stuff like that. People have their strange little things, but no one really cares of thinks its strange anymore. This is your strange little thing, but I like it!"

Cali Swimmy approves. And yes, he'll be running that next 5K with me.

I've enjoyed working with all of my trainers--all of them have been easy to talk to, and though this blog would make you think that it was all sarcasm and acid with G., we actually had laid-back and friendly conversations all the time. It makes the workout more fun--I actually enjoy working hard at the gym, as it feels great to sweat and know I'm doing something great for my body, but having someone to talk and laugh with does make it even more fun. So it's nice when a trainer and trainee can get along as well as I do with M.

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