Wednesday, December 14, 2011

An Update From the Gymbo

Well, for starters, my back is much better. So much better.

I was still sore and a bit twisty on Monday morning when I met with M. the Reasonable, so we started with our standard stretching, in which I lie on the mat feeling fifteen different kinds of broken and he helps me stretch out my incredibly tight leg muscles. I've decided to stop feeling embarrassed about my complete lack of flexibility and just accept his help because stretching actually feels good and, you know, it helps the back pain go away.

One thing I got out of my crazy-busy weekend was that my legs--calves, quads, hamstrings--were super-tight and it occurred to me, with everything being connected, that this is what caused my back pain, rather than an actual back injury.

Anyway, after stretching and working out with M. on Monday I attempted a run and found that my legs were still a bit pissy with me. Every time my foot hit the ground, a spasm would descend from my hip, down my thigh. I ended up walking and grumbling a lot. (To M. today: "You know, for someone who doesn't like running, I really get frustrated when my body won't let me do it.")

But then, yesterday, things got even better. I ran in short intervals, but the point is, I ran. I was so happy that I almost forgot that I actually hate running.

Today, I met with my rock star trainer again, and he was very pleased to hear that the pain is gone and I'm running again. Still, we started our session with our usual stretching (nothing like lying on the floor with one knee stretched up over your chest and your trainer using his chest to help you deepen the stretch--how we must look!) before getting down to a good workout.

We've reached that comfortable stage where we can talk and laugh while I'm exercising. Today:

"So, am I still M. the Reasonable on your blog?"


"Oh, good!"

"Well, sometimes you're M. the Rock Star because of all the help you've given me with my back."

While he is nowhere near as cocky as G. the Meanie was, he still liked that one. I told him how, after I stopped working with G., I sent him the blog post in which I revealed that over the months I'd worked with him, I'd referred to him as "the little shit" and other not-so-nice names when I was mad at him.

This led to us discussing comparisons between him and G., and how the biggest difference is me and the attitude I'm bringing to the table. "You have a great attitude!" M. told me. "I wish I could transfer some of your attitude about working out to my other clients." It was a nice compliment--while I had a fighting spirit and a never-quit approach to working out with G., I wouldn't say that I necessarily had a great attitude. As I pointed out to M. today, I had a big hill I had to get over in those days, and now, no matter what he throws at me, I know I can do it.

So it's going well. I have a stretching assignment to do at home twice a day, and I'm planning to go back to yoga tomorrow (Sunday was too hectic, and I overslept yesterday). I'm getting right back to my old Gymbo ways, and it feels good.

You know I'm a gymbo when I actually miss running.

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